Chapter Forty Two

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The relentless patter of raindrops against the windshield provided the disheartening soundtrack for Galvina's long journey home. As she peered through the gloom, her world had been transformed into an indistinguishable grey expanse, with each drop tracing a melancholic melody on the glass. The weather seemed to mirror her inner state, as she navigated the lonely and desolate road beneath the swollen, brooding clouds.

The drive had begun with a slight drizzle but soon escalated into a torrential downpour, making it almost impossible to see beyond a few feet ahead. The windshield wipers struggled to keep pace with nature's onslaught, their rhythmic swipes exacerbating Galvina's growing sense of unease. The driver flicked on the headlights, piercing through the gloom, casting distorted shadows on the forlorn trees that lined the sides of the forgotten road.

The monotonous hum of the engine only amplified Galvina's solitude. She was acutely aware of her isolation, enveloped in an immersive blend of the melancholy weather and the vast emptiness of the road ahead. The occasional truck would pass by like a fleeting ghost, joining her only for a short-lived moment before disappearing into the blurry horizon. It was as if the world had chosen this specific instance to withdraw into its own melancholy, leaving her to confront her thoughts and fears in solitude.

As the minutes turned into hours, Galvina found herself trapped in a labyrinth of her own ruminations. She reflected on the storm that was brewing within her, mirroring the tempestuous weather outside. The decision she had just made, the actions she had taken, played repeatedly in her mind. Doubts crept into every corner of her consciousness, like the relentless raindrops tracing their path across the window, eroding her sense of self-assurance.

Through the distortion of the rain-streaked windshield, Galvina caught sight of a vivid flash of lightning, illuminating the landscape in a fleeting moment of surreal beauty. The brief, ethereal glow brought with it a sense of clarity amid the surrounding gloom. She realized that though the weather may be tempestuous, life offered moments of respite and illumination, even in the darkest of times. Yet such moment was cut short, when the root of her inner darkness spread even more and tightened its grasp. She felt uncomfortable out of the sudden, her hands traveled around her body, she felt someone was touching her, which made her feel disgusted. Devers who was sitting next to her, noticed her sudden uncomfortableness, she swiftly scooched over and sat next to her, wrapped her arm around her waist, as she gently rubbed her arm.

-Galvina glanced over the tip of her eye, she felt comfortable yet she doesn't know how to explain such feeling. She decided to just leaned her head towards her sister's chest. Devers didn't want to bother her by questioning her sudden actions, still she doesn't want to see her suffer. Instead she ran her hand through her hair, which made Galvina hummed for a moment. "Devers.." she whispered "I feel hurt...pain...I feel something is touching me!" she cried "I feel suffocated because of it...I HATE IT!! TAKE IT AWAY!". Devers felt that she is almost on the verge of losing herself again, she firmed her grip, and slowly humming the lullaby that their mother use to sing. Galvina closed her eyes after listening to her, while her hand hesitantly grabbed her blouse. She burred her head, and tightened her grip, which made what she felt a moment ago, ceased away.

-She wanted to say something, her lips were slightly twitching, she felt something in her throat which made her unable to pronounce any words, her chest was rising up and down as if she were in a marathon, all of that burst of emotion and nervousness turned her entire body into a shivering mess. Her sister however noticed her agony, she wanted her to speak, but to avoid a major disaster, she came up with an idea that would benefit them both. She sighed and bend over to look at her, while she tightly wrapped her arms around her. "Galvina...let's talk" she said carefully "if you don't want to...I will ask and you just nod to me ok?". Galvina didn't respond which made Devers situation worse, regardless she will carry on with her plan. "Do is it hurt...the matter that is bothering you?" She asked "does it make you you are under something's mercy?". It took awhile until Galvina cooperated with her sister, which made her realize the problem at hand. "Have you tried to face it?" She wondered "fight back or something?"

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