Chapter Fourteen

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The sky was leaden, as the wind was icy and withering. Downpour started in the early morning and continued on through the day, a heavy pelting of water that thundered against rooftops of the mansion and drowned out the sound of all else, the rain came down so hard it almost hurt, stinging the skin and blowing into the eyes, nose and mouth. The sky was getting even darker by the minute as the heavy rain blurred their view.

splash, splash, splash muffling the padding of their footsteps, running though the field fighting each other continuously, their clothes were soaked and heavy, wet strands of hair clinging to their faces, while the ground grew more sodden underfoot, leading both of them to lose their footing. There was no allusion that this fight will end soon, as both stare at each other fiercely. "come at me!" he yelled, as the rumbling grew louder and louder. She charged at him without hesitation, jumping up high to get some momentum and lunge towards him with a direct hit.

It wasn't just a punishment anymore, for him he was testing her skills eager to witness her new powers, for her she was up for the challenge, a chance to focus on something else instead of Eva. She could not simply uses her powers against him, knowing that such attack could end his life, yet she has to practice using it, but prefer it on something more deserving.

Upon the covered patio next to the garden, Devers was sitting studying her next case while enjoying her simple breakfast, as the rain becomes heaven's music to her ears wishing that such weather will last long. However, such music was interrupted by a clumsy footsteps which disturbed her peace, as the shadow of that figure got closer to where she seats, "g-good morning" Merihim said yawningly. She couldn't hold her giggle as her sister for once acted like a small child forced to wake up early on the weekends.

-"good morning" she answered softly, and looked at her sister who was half asleep next to her "why are you up so early?" she asked wonderingly. She shrugged her shoulders "don't know" and turned her head looking at Galvina fighting, "since when they were fighting?" she asked curiously.

-She sipped her tea and looked at them"before I woke up I guess, I know dad is interested to fight her since the beginning of our punishment, wanting to test her new powers" she said with a smile

-a small smile covered her face, feeling proud of her "she is definitely improved a lot, ever since that incident" Devers nodded smiling, "tea?" she asked while pointing at the teapot. "someone is being nice" she answered teasingly.

-Some time has passed, both of them were enjoying their time quietly, until Devers suddenly breaks the silence "oh I forgot to tell you, dad's friend Beron is going to visit tomorrow". Merihim  leaned forward "why? since when he visit us?" she asked wonderingly.

-The silence engulfed Devers again, as she zoned out the moment her sister asked her the question, "Merihim's is right! since when he visit us? plus he is the father of that woman Crystal! could it be!!" she murmured in her head. Merihim patted her hand gently to get her attention, she got startled "oh, huh I'm sorry, I got lost in your question, Merihim what if Crystal is planning something" she asked worryingly

-she furrowed her eyebrows "what do you mean! I know Beron and dad are working together, so he might push for a proposal to join Galvina". Devers looked at her frightenedly "rephrase your last sentence". Merihim opened her eyes widely "NO! I will kill her if she planned such thing like this!! I've already threatened her that day when she kissed G!!" she exclaimed.

-"calm down, we don't know for sure yet, but I don't like such sudden visits, something is fishy and I know Crystal will do anything to get her, she has been obsessed with her since forever now" she said in low tone.

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