Chapter Forty Eight

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As the sunset painted the room in a warm hue, Galvina found her knees touching the cold, hardwood floor. Her heart hammered in her chest, and a million worries swirled through her mind. This was a moment she had wishing for, but uncertainties threatened to shatter her improvised plan. The atmosphere in the room was laden with a mix of excitement and anxiety. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows across the room, reflecting the devil's inward turmoil.

This was the space that they proven their love, a sanctuary that they just created away from the world's chaos. But now, as she knelt on the very ground that had witnessed their most intimate moments, she wondered if it would bear witness to the greatest question she would ever ask. The angel she loved stood in front of her with care, her eyes filled with tenderness and curiosity. The sight of her made her heart skip a beat. With each breath she breathed, with each blink she made, her worries intensified. Would she say yes? Despite everything that happened? Would she be willing to take the step, and fight those who are opposing them? Would she be willing to handle her unstable episodes? All of such questions, were swirling within her mind.

As she fought to steady her trembling hands, she felt the weight of their journey together. The good times and the bad, the highs and lows, all leading up to this pivotal moment. But what if her fears got the better of her again? What if she wasn't worthy of her love, or worse yet, what if she wasn't capable of making her happy? But in that fearful moment, something incredible happened. As she looked deeply at the angel's eyes, she realized that fears are just whispers that disguise the potential for greatness. They push them to face their vulnerabilities and emerge stronger than ever before.

-Summoning all her courage, she spoke words from deep within her heart. "I-I know that our relationship has been very complicated because of our backgrounds" she stuttered "I know that our lives has changed dramatically" She placed her hand in her pocket and continued "I know I'm not perfect...I'm weird...annoying and well a devil of course" she said "but despite all of that...everything within me screams for you..I want to spend the rest of my life with you" She then pulled the box and opened it, as the ring shines brightly. "Eva...will you marry me?"

-The air seemed to thicken, time stood still, and hearts beat in harmony. In that moment, her worries morphed into earnest desires. She no longer feared her response but yearned for it. For the first time, she understood that love was about embracing vulnerability and celebrating the connection that forged two souls into one. With tears glistening in her eyes, she uttered the words she had longed to hear. "Yes!" She exulted "Yes, my love yes!" With tears of joy, Galvina slipped the radiant ring onto her finger which fitted perfectly, while Eva's eyes were glistening in awe. 

Their leap of faith had triggered an influx of emotions, as waves of excitement, love, and commitment engulfed them. The room atmosphere shifted, turned to be surreal, ethereal, as if the universe itself celebrated their love story that had been penned in the stars. As Galvina slowly rose from the floor, their eyes locked with an unbreakable bond. In that instant, they knew that they were ready to face a lifetime of trials and triumphs together, holding tight to the unwavering belief that their love could conquer all. The devil cupped her cheeks, passionately kissing the lips that she always and forever crave for. Their tears mixed together as they continued to kiss, but their happiness were beyond any measure. They kept kissing until their breath was gone, slowly they pulled away with foreheads touched, looking at each other as they giggled and caressed each other's cheeks.

-They kept on glancing at each other, as Galvina wrapped her arms around her waist. She leaned against her shoulder as she placed small kisses on her neck. "Am I dreaming again?" She whispered "Or I actually proposed after a long day of suffering within my mind?" Eva blushed and wrapped her arms around her neck. "It's real my love" she breathed "but I'm quite surprised that you planned for this moment..I was going to talk to you regarding this matter, but you came ahead..and the ring!! It's extraordinary!" Galvina buried her head in her neck. "You deserve...everything" she hissed "However, this ring has a story...but before I share it with you...shall we dance?"

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