Chapter Forty Six

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As the moon centered the night sky, casting a gentle glow upon their countenances, two star-crossed lovers found solace in each other's embrace. In their shared sanctuary, cocooned in the tender web of passion and devotion, they lay, defying the constraints of space and time. The rhythmic depth of their synchronized breaths spoke volumes, unearthing a profound connection that transcended the confines of mere physical proximity.

Her delicate form became one with his protective embrace as they lay serenely, fitting together like two interlocking puzzle pieces. The warmth of their entwined bodies served as a testament to a love that remained unyielding, even in the darkest of hours. With every inhale, her chest rose against hers, an echo of their hearts, beating in immaculate unison. Time, the great orchestrator of existence, appeared to hold its breath, sparing them a few stolen moments of undisturbed serenity. Within this ethereal sanctuary, they existed in that rare liminal space, caught between the intimacy of shared slumber and the lingering anticipation of the forthcoming sunrise.

Lost in the symphony of their intertwined limbs and the silent language of touch, their bodies sought solace, carving out a sanctuary of unconditional love. Ribbons of whispered endearments filled the air, tender caresses traversing the landscape of their souls. Yet, the true marvel of their connection lay not only in touch, but in an alchemical fusion of dreams, passions, fears, and hopes that wove their spirits into a tapestry of profound emotional intimacy. As dawn's first light gently kissed the horizon, casting rays of ethereal illumination upon the two bodies that were sprawled out on top of each other. Galvina's hand were resting on Eva's back, holding her tightly as she tends to move a lot when she's in her deep sleep.

-The devil and the angel were exhausted from their long endeavor, both of their bodies were sore from their long love making that didn't end until late night. Eva who her head turned to the other side, avoiding the sun rays that kissed her face, slowly opened her eyes and smiled softly at the rhythm of her lover's heart beats. She then kissed her chest all the way to her chin, which caused the devil to groan and tiredly smile. Galvina stretched her arms and caressed her angel's cheeks, slowly opening her eyes, as the sunlight irritated her vision. "Good morning" she whispered, pulling her closer and deeply kissed her lips. Eva who had been craving for her lips, bit them softly as her hands traveled around her body.

-Eva lips traced her devil's chin, neck and collarbone, where she leaves her bite marks around. Galvina moaned as her hands ran through her hair, pushing her even downwards. Eva kissed her chest and licked her skin all the way to her stomach, where she giggled and looked at her. "someone is still on the mood" she whispered "hadn't you had enough of me?". Galvina's chest been rising up and down, glanced at her with her sleepy eyes. "never" she breathed "like I will never leave this room". Eva smirked and straddled her, as she leaned over and nuzzled against her neck. "you've been know that?" she purred "you should be punished". Galvina gulped as she placed her arms around her back, hardly biting her lower lip, as she knew what was she is referring at. "I-I am sorry" she apologies "I-I jus-" Eva interjected "don't be sorry" she mumbled "it's all because of me"

-Galvina couldn't find any words to express her feelings about what she had done, she tried to spit out everything that came into her mind, but each time she do so, hesitation find it's place within her heart. She kept stroking her hair, while her eyes are fixated on the ceiling, until finally she decided to throw away every word that crossed her mind. "I had a dream you see" she quivered "the day you left took something with you". Eva's eyelids twitched, as she tries to prevent her tears from flowing. She reached out and interlocked their hand together, she knew that it was her fault that she is suffering, she knew that her cowardice caused all of this mayhem, her regret was it was too late for her to act, too late for her to do something, but would it be too late to fix all of this?

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