Sebastian Sallow | Rift

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(Y/N) pushed open the door of the Undercroft from the inside, climbing out carefully while simultaneously trying to be as quiet as possible. She stepped out carefully and turned to gently close the door behind her. However, her attempt to go unnoticed was quickly unveiled as a failure as a voice interrupted her exit.

"Hello, Sebastian- Wait."

(Y/N) froze, her eyes widening before she slowly turned towards the Slytherin who was quickly about to confront her as an intruder.

"You there. I can hear you." The voice was stern and affirming, assuring that (Y/N) would not flee.

(Y/N) chuckled awkwardly, stepping backward uncomfortably. She looked at the student, instantly recognising it as Sebastian's best friend that he had warned to avoid. "Oh, uh- hello!" She smiled painfully. "Ominis, right? We have herbology together..." There was a short tense silence that (Y/N) rushed to fill. "And potions... I think."

"Yes. I recognise that voice." Ominis replied in the same stern tone that put (Y/N) on edge. "You're the new fifth year. Did you just come from the Undercroft? How did you get in there?" He stepped forward as he interrogated the nervous girl.

(Y/N) was silent for a moment. She inhaled sharply, her mind balancing between two options. "Is that what it's called?" She felt her voice shake as she spat out the lie. "I stumbled upon it while exploring the area. I apologise if-"

"Don't lie." Ominis cut in. "Sebastian told you. That rat."

(Y/N) opened her mouth to reply but was not given the time to say anything.

"You breathe a word about this place and not even Professor Fig will be able to save you." (Y/N) nodded even though she knew he could not see her do so. "My family has connections in high places and I am not afraid to exploit them if I must."

(Y/N) let out a tense breath. "I'm sorry. I promise I won't utter a word. But please don't take it out on Sebastian, he's a really good person-" (Y/N) desperately tried to defend the boy that had saved her from the librarian's fury. She was in his debt, but right now she was only digging herself further into a deficit.

"Don't educate me on my oldest friend." Ominis spat. "Sebastian already gets himself into enough trouble, he doesn't need any help." Ominis scoffed at (Y/N) who was by now pressing her back against the wall in a nervous fit of discomfort.

Ominis stepped forward to enter the Undercroft and (Y/N) used the opportunity to slip past him, whispering a quiet apology once again even though he probably didn't catch it.

(Y/N) gulped as she skidded down the corridor, keeping her eyes on the floor and her mind flying straight to the most unrealistic consequence that may emerge from this scenario. She headed straight to her common room as she didn't have class till the end of the day with astronomy, meaning she'd have to wait till the sun sets. That being said, that time would come faster than one would think considering they were in the Scottish highlands. She rushed up the stairs and walked round and round pillars which eventually brought her up to the Ravenclaw common room.

Time passed quickly. (Y/N) spent it sitting at a table and attempting to read a book. Although she had read about forty pages, barely any of the story had been absorbed. She replayed the encounter in her head over and over and over again, picking and choosing what she could have said instead of what she actually did.

She should have stood up for herself. But what if he got even more angry? She should have just committed to the lie. He would have seen right through it. She should have just ignored him. Don't be stupid there's no way she could have done that.

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