Garreth Weasley | Fond of Each Other

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(Y/N) panted as she sprinted down the pebble-adorned path, stumbling over her own feet in her fit of panic. She could hear the sound of approaching danger behind her which only drove her to move faster.

She dared to look behind her which only resulted in antagonising the beast further. The eight-legged creature sped behind her, determined to feast. It let out a deafening screech which caused (Y/N) to yelp in response.

She caught sight of a turn in the path and readied herself for defence. She pulled her wand from her cloak and gripped it tightly. She gulped thickly and inhaled sharply, her heart beating blood around her body like cheetahs pummeling through her organs. As she reached the turn, she spun round and pointed her wand at the furious spider.

"Confringo!" She yelled as she jumped to the side. She flung herself into the air and into the bushes, casting the spell simultaneously.

The spider let out a shriek of pain, the sound echoing throughout the forest. It stumbled backward as a result of the forceful spell and landed on its back; its legs clawing upwards in pain and frustration. It very quickly disintegrated into dust.

(Y/N) sighed in relief and relaxed into the very uncomfortable bush she had fallen into. Twigs poked her skin and dirt painted her flesh. She closed her eyes and tried to rest her body which was slowly unwinding from the fight or flight response; her heart rate slowing and her breathing calming.

She eventually climbed out of the forage and slowly made her way out of the Forbidden Forest. She rubbed her eyes and noticed the sky darkening - she would need to get back to her common room soon.

She exited the forest and was immediately met with the sound of Professor Weasley. Her eyes widened and she ran right back into the forest, dodging behind a tree and pressing her back against it.

"I'm sure I heard something." Professor Weasley muttered to herself as she neared (Y/N)'s position.

(Y/N) held her breath and stood completely still.

"What was that noise...?" The deputy headmistress continued to wonder.

(Y/N) didn't have to wait for long.

"(Y/N)?" Professor Weasley called out as she peered around the tree to spot (Y/N) awkwardly hiding from her.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened and she smiled nervously. "Oh– hello, Professor. How are you?"

Professor Weasley's brows furrowed. "What are you doing here?"

"Um– Well–" (Y/N) stumbled over her words. "You see, I was just exploring and I stumbled into the forest–"

"There are several signs to warn students that the forest is off-limits, (Y/N). Students are not permitted into the Forbidden Forest." She scolded.

"Yes, Professor." (Y/N) sighed, her eyes cast downwards. "I'm sorry."

"I'm going to have to reprimand you for this. Tomorrow, after your last class, meet me in my classroom for detention."

Detention came quickly the next day. (Y/N) entered the transfiguration classroom and sat down at one of the desks. Professor Weasley had not arrived yet so (Y/N) waited patiently.

The door opened after a few minutes to reveal a Weasley, but not Matilda.

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" Garreth Weasley questioned. He took a seat next to her and had an inquisitive look on his face.

"Got caught in the Forbidden Forest," She huffed, pursing her lips in annoyance. "What about you?" She questioned like a prison inmate asking a fellow criminal about their crime.

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