Ominis Gaunt | Betrothed - Part 2

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(Y/N) climbed up the ladder to Divination tiredly. It was her last lesson of the day and frankly, she had no interest in pursuing anything to do with the subject. She didn't understand it, she imagined she never would, and struggled to believe anything Professor Onai taught them because of it. She yawned as she stepped off the last ladder, entering the classroom with a miserable frown. She scanned the students, looking for someone familiar, and felt her heart soften at the sight of Ominis.

She had grown particularly fond of him over the first few weeks at Hogwarts. They spoke almost every day and bonded over their frighteningly similar childhood trauma. Despite the morbid nature of their similarities, they got on quite well. They enjoyed each other's company and were beginning to become more than classroom friends and rather proper friends that occupied each other's time outside of the castle grounds.

(Y/N) approached Ominis on the bench and sat down beside him with a smile, and then a huff as she was quickly brought back to the reality of the classroom she was in.

"Oh, hello." He greeted.

"Hello, Ominis." (Y/N) hummed. "How do you get up the ladder?" She suddenly asked. They had passed the stage of small talk in their growing friendship.

"By climbing up it."

"Ha ha, that's very funny." She mocked with a stern glare.

Ominis smirked. "I'm not sure what you mean."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the corners of her lips from instinctively turning upwards. "I mean how do you manage to climb a ladder when you're blind."

"You underestimate my abilities, (Y/N), and for that, I'm hurt."

"I'm terribly sorry, Ominis." (Y/N) chuckled. "I will never question your talents again."

"I greatly appreciate that." He nodded with a cheeky glint in his eye.

There was a slight pause before (Y/N) continued to speak. "I'm thinking of joining the Quidditch team." She conversed.

Ominis rose a brow. "Really?"


"Did Imelda convince you?"

(Y/N) smiled sheepishly. "Yes, but don't tell her I told you that."

"And why is that?" Ominis' smirk deepened.

"Because I don't need her rubbing it in my face. I did it of my own volition. Got that?" Her tone had a hint of a threat in it that Ominis picked up upon, but chose to ignore.

"I'm grateful for this leverage you've handed to me." He teased.

"Leverage?" (Y/N) gaped. "Are you aiming to blackmail me, Ominis Gaunt? That's highly ungentlemanly."

"Well, I think you'll find that a woman playing Quidditch is highly unladylike."

(Y/N) let out a cackle, yet another thing her mother would berate her for being unladylike, hitting Ominis' arm. "Oh, piss off." She scoffed. "I come to school to get away from that!"

"You've befriended the wrong person then," he jested.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "You're annoying." She mumbled with a frown.

Ominis chuckled. "What interests you about Quidditch then? The flying?"

"I just thought it would be fun. Expel some anger I suppose." She shrugged. "I'm not too bad at flying though."

Ominis hummed.

Her own words sparked a question in her head. "Have you ever flown?" She wondered.

"No, I haven't," Ominis answered honestly.

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