Sebastian Sallow + Ominis Gaunt | Locked Out

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(Y/N) was practically jumping with joy as she walked down the pavement towards King's Cross. The sun was shining brightly, odd for London, but she cherished the warmth against her skin. She'd soon be facing the Scottish winter and she wanted to remember the sun.

"Sebastian! Ominis!" She cheered once she spotted her two friends waiting outside of the station for her, talking amongst themselves.

At the sound of her voice, the two boys turned to her with gleeful smiles. Sebastian abandoned his trolley with Ominis and raced to meet (Y/N). (Y/N) let go of her trolley too and stepped away from his obtrusiveness, opening her arms and readying herself for Sebastian's embrace.

Sebastian crashed into her forcefully, pushing her a few steps back as he did so. He wrapped his arms around her torso and hugged her close. (Y/N) slung her arms around his neck amid his movement, pulling herself into his warmth and breathing in deeply. The scent of woodpines and chimney smoke filled her nostrils. The smell was home.

"Merlin, I missed you!" She squealed, squeezing her eyes shut and allowing herself to feel nothing but her friend's arms around her. She pulled away and gazed into his eyes fondly. The colour always made her heart soften; the colour of the earth.

Sebastian looked back at her with a toothy smile. "I missed you too." He sighed.

(Y/N) stepped back to grab her trolley but Sebastian beat her to it, circling it and grabbing the handle. He looked at her, darted his eyes to Ominis who waited patiently for his friends, and looked back at her, smirking knowingly.

(Y/N) nodded in understanding and spun back around to observe Ominis. She instantly charged at him. She leaped at him like a lion does its prey, barrelling into her friend. In hindsight, it was rather cruel considering he could not see her coming. Ominis let out a startled yelp at the impact, stumbling back clumsily but managing to keep upright. He quickly relaxed in (Y/N)'s hold. He awkwardly twisted and slithered his around her waist, pulling her in close.

"I've missed you..." Ominis murmured. His voice was muffled as his face was buried in her nape. His lips brushed against the skin on her neck which sent chills down (Y/N)'s spine.

She breathed in deeply. "I missed you too, Ominis." She pulled away. She smiled at his face. His features brought her so much comfort.

Sebastian approached them from behind with (Y/N)'s trolley in his hands. "It's almost 11 o'clock, we should get moving." He advised.

"He's right." Ominis nodded firmly.

"Always punctual." (Y/N) gleaned, taking Sebastian's place and wheeling her trolley through the archway into the station.

"Forgive me for wanting to be on time." Ominis rolled his eyes, pushing his trolley past unbothered muggles.

"We'll be fine!" (Y/N) mused. "We've still got five minutes."

"Five minutes that I'd rather spend in a compartment," Ominis mumbled. Sebastian and (Y/N) ignored him.

The three approached the brick wall that led straight through to Platform Nine and three-quarters. (Y/N) leaned against Ominis' trolley casually as her eyes followed Sebastian readying himself to run. He pulled back and sprinted into the wall.

(Y/N) let out a shocked shriek. Ominis' eyes widened in surprise. Sebastian crashed right into the wall. His trolley clanged off the brick, his trunks spewing onto the floor below. The cage with his owl slammed onto the ground, Aristotle screeching in confusion and fear as his body was thrown about. Sebastian stumbled backwards at the impact of the trolley ricocheting and fell backwards onto the floor. His head slammed painfully on the concrete, bashing a wound at the back of his skull.

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