Ominis Gaunt | My Slytherin Prince

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(Y/N) rushed through Hogsmeade with a very panicked look on her face. Her eyes were wide, tears ready to fill them. Her lips were trembling and her nostrils were flared with stress. She could feel her heart in her throat, feeling more and more nauseous with every step she took.

"Turnip?!" She bellowed into the street, her voice wavering with fear. "Turnip, where are you?!"

She rounded a corner and was met with the sight of her cat sitting on the floor, curled up asleep in the arms of another cat.

Turnip was a dark chocolatey brown cat with tabby cat patterns along his back. His eyes were a deep orange colour, and his nose was cute and pink. He was given to (Y/N) just before she came to Hogwarts as her companion and (Y/N) loved him with all her heart. So when he had escaped her gaze, her mind was sent down a rabbit hole of panic and concern.

The cat Turnip cuddled was a light grey colour all the way through with only the tip of its tail a little darker. Its eyes were a bright leafy green with a cute brown nose.

"Turnip..." (Y/N) sighed in relief, stepping towards her cat.

"So this must be your cat." A voice suddenly voiced, prompting (Y/N) to turn around and meet the eyes of a blonde Slytherin.

His skin was fair, pale, and smooth. His hair was combed back neatly with not a single loose hair out of its slick, light blonde in colour. His eyes were a beautiful pale blue but were glazed over with an unfocused hue.

"Yes." (Y/N) nodded hesitantly at the stranger. "Is the grey one yours?"

The Slytherin nodded.

"It's cute." (Y/N) smiled, trying to be friendly.

"Thank you." The blonde replied but did not smile back. "I'm sure yours is cute as well."

(Y/N) looked at him oddly.

"I'm blind." He added, smiling considering he could guess the look on her face.

"Oh!" (Y/N)'s cheeks blushed slightly in embarrassment. "I'm (Y/N)." She introduced.

"Ominis." He responded.

"Nice to meet you." (Y/N) moved forward and took a seat next to Ominis, making sure she kept a distance as she didn't want to invade any boundaries. "What's your cat's name?" She inquired curiously, her eyes watching the sleeping felines and wishing she were a cat too.

"Ophelia." He answered. "From Hamlet." He added.

(Y/N) hummed at the name. "I like it." She mused.

"What's yours?"

"Turnip." She chuckled. "Not as fancy as yours."

Ominis laughed with her. "I think it's cute. Do you like turnips?"

"Not really." (Y/N) giggled. "I just thought it was fitting."

"Ominis!" (Y/N) greeted with a large smile. "Turnip misses Ophelia!" She whined.

Ominis turned to (Y/N), smiling at the sound of her voice. "We must set up a play date then."

Ominis and (Y/N) met in Hogsmeade in their third year and remained amazing friends ever since. Their cats were inseparable for one, always looking to cuddle and play together. The two also shared a lot in common. While (Y/N) was Hufflepuff which often does not share traits with Slytherin, they were both quite reserved and quiet, commonly keeping to themselves.

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