Ominis Gaunt | Happy Birthday!

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"Happy birthday, Mummy!"

(Y/N) shot out of her bed with a gasp, her eyes wide and her heart racing with worry. Her vision was blurry from the grogginess and her head was dizzy from the abrupt wake, feeling light-headed from sitting up so fast. She rubbed her eyes, clearing her vision, and was met with the sight of her two children leaping onto her bed, promptly climbing over her.

"I told you not to wake her up if she was still asleep!" A voice called from the threshold.

(Y/N) smiled at the sight of her husband, scowling at their kids with an annoyed look but a smirk on his lips indicating that he was not angry. (Y/N) let out a yawn, interrupted by her own laugh as she felt her daughter climbing into the bed with her and cuddling against her side.

"Good morning, Beautiful." Ominis mused, walking over and pressing a gentle kiss against her cheek. "Happy birthday." He whispered, caressing her cheek and pulling her face towards his before pressing another kiss on her lips, their passion lingering for a moment.

"Mummy!" Her son called her name, grabbing her shirt collar lightly. "Look- Look what I made you!" He grinned. He presented her with a plate of fried eggs, sausages, bacon, and two pieces of toast. The fried eggs were running across the plate, the sausages and bacon were cut awkwardly and strewn across the plate, and the toast was extremely burned. Still, she smiled brightly.

"Thank you, Eleazar!" She cooed. She opened her arm and enveloped her six-year-old in a warm hug, pressing a firm kiss on the top of his blonde hair. "What a big boy you are!"

"I made it too!" Her daughter interjected, clambering into (Y/N)'s lap and playfully shoving her brother out of the way. "I helped!"

"No! You didn't!" Eleazar whined. "Noctua didn't help!"

"Yes, I did!" Noctua cried. "Mummy I helped!" She frowned deeply, her clenched fists rubbing her eyes as toddler tears readied themselves to fall.

"Eleazar... Don't be mean to your sister." Ominis sighed. He reached down and grasped his son, pulling him up into a hug and propping him on his hip. "We all helped, didn't we?" His tone was firm and authoritative with a sense of love and playfulness.

(Y/N) beamed up at her husband, her heart flourishing with admiration. Ominis was always so amazing with the children. He worked with them so well. He was playful and stern simultaneously, effectively guiding them into respectful and self-loving people. His disability was never a hindrance to fatherhood.

"Yes! Daddy helped too!" Noctua giggled.

"Oh, did he now?" (Y/N) laughed with her considering the plate was not the best food she had ever seen despite her husband's aid. She pushed herself off of her bed, clasping Noctua's hand and guiding her off the bed with her.

"You know cooking is not my forte," Ominis grumbled with a smile. "I tried my best."

"And your best is perfect, my love." (Y/N) breathed. She pressed a kiss against his lips, allowing the pleasurable feeling to settle on her heart, cherishing it forever. She ignored her kids' disgusted sounds at the kiss, simply smiling at the love of her life.

"Come on, time for the rest of your birthday." He whispered, leaning his forehead against hers.

"There's more?" She chuckled.

"Lots!" He cheered. Both Eleazar and Noctua giggled with him. He let Eleazar down from off of his hip and let the children run down the corridor in a fit of excitement. "The kids are very excited." He commented.

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