Sebastian Sallow | And For What?

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(Y/N) stepped onto the Hogwarts Express with a smile, her heart softening at the familiar scent she had come to love over the last year. Her train journey into her sixth year was the first time she'd ever been on the Hogwarts Express considering her journey the year before was far more eccentric. She had come to love the trains in the wizarding world and used them a lot more than she would have imagined. The feeling of the floors beneath her feet and the sound of chatter in the compartments made her feel like she was finally back home; Hogwarts was her home.

She moved through the corridor and searched for her friend. He was the closest friend she'd ever had. During their sixth year, he and her were inseparable. When she needed someone, it was him that was always there. Following the traumatic events of her first year at Hogwarts, the comfort and warmth of his presence was the perfect therapy she needed. She had sought a counsellor at Hogwarts as well to help her with her recovery after the death of Professor Fig, and by the end of their sixth year, (Y/N) felt healed, happy, and comfortable with the events that had transpired.

"Ominis." She greeted quietly as she opened a compartment door, spotting her close friend sitting on the bench with a book in his lap, his fingertips trailing the braille softly.

He pulled his hand from the page and smiled up at her. "(Y/N)." He grinned, standing up and opening his arms.

(Y/N) wasted no time and raced into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his torso and resting her head on his chest. She breathed in his familiar scent, a mix of mint and Earl Grey tea. She relaxed into his touch, her skin warming with love with his presence. They had kept in touch throughout the entirety of their summer, writing letters back and forth a few times a week consistently over their holiday months, but they had not physically seen each other since last June when they parted ways at the end of the term.

"How are you?" Ominis asked, pulling away.

"I'm fine." She smiled. "I missed you~" She sang.

Ominis chuckled. "I missed you too, (Y/N). I already feel leagues better than at my home." He admitted.

They sat down, facing each other on opposite benches. "I am very pleasant to be around." She teased with a laugh. She leaned against the wall of the compartment, looking out of the window and at the train platform where students bid goodbye to their parents before boarding.

"I can't deny that." Ominis joked. "Are you looking forward to our last year?"

(Y/N) let out a dramatic groan. "Don't remind me." She wailed, leaning her head back on the bench and closing her eyes. "I've barely been here and now I'm leaving again." She sighed. "I don't want to think about it."
Ominis hummed in agreement. "We've got N.E.W.Ts too." He added.

(Y/N) groaned louder but couldn't help but laugh at her own theatrics.

"What are you whining about now?" A sudden voice interrupted.

(Y/N)'s eyes lit up at the sight of her friend. "Hello, Imelda." She greeted kindly. "How was your summer?" Imelda and (Y/N) had exchanged the occasional letter over the summer but had not kept consistent contact. Their friendship was not very typical but they enjoyed each other's presence greatly. They shared a dorm room over the two years (Y/N) had been at school, and now in their final year, it would be just the two in a dormitory without two others.

"Rather pleasant actually." She smiled. Imelda had become a lot tamer over their sixth year. Professor Black had reinstated Quidditch last year and Imelda had gotten a lot more civil now that she was able to expel her anger through her most beloved sport. She took a seat next to Ominis who held his arm up so she was able to slot in, relaxing his arm around her shoulders comfortingly. "Ominis visited me for a week in July."

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