Sebastian Sallow | Injured

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(Y/N)'s eyes blinked open painfully, quickly squeezing shut thereafter as harsh light pierced her corneas and causing a shot of pain to pierce her frontal lobe. She let out a dry groan, her throat scraping against itself uncomfortably due to the lack of moisture in it. She gulped thickly, feeling only an ache overwhelm her senses. She opened her eyes once again, forcing them to adjust to the daylight that flooded through the windows. She clenched her teeth together as she felt pain suddenly flood her muscles. She let out another groan, louder, and more emotional.

"Oh Merlin, you're awake!" A voice erupted, extremely loud for (Y/N) despite the woman speaking at a normal volume. "How are you feeling?" The woman tenderly asked, hurrying next to (Y/N) and kneeling. "You've been out of it for quite a while now, you know."

(Y/N) inhaled only to feel a sharp pain in her chest, to which she winced harshly.

"Here, drink this." The woman picked up something off of (Y/N)'s bedside and pressed it against her lips, trickling a foul-tasting liquid down her throat. (Y/N) couldn't pinpoint the taste, but she felt her stomach gurgle in distaste as she drank it. It did, however, ease the pain that had flooded her nerves, making her feel numb and subdued.

(Y/N)'s eyes finally managed to move from the still position and look at the kind lady who had eased her pain. It was an older woman, with dark hair and dark eyes, looking at (Y/N) with a cautious gaze. She wore a nurse's uniform. "Where am I?" (Y/N) croaked out. She recognized the uniform, but she was too delirious to associate it with her predicament.

"The hospital wing." The nurse confirmed. "You got yourself quite hurt." She commented.

"What happened?" (Y/N) questioned, breathing heavily between her words as she struggled to cope with her struggling lungs.

"From what I know, you got yourself into quite the fight. If Mr Sallow had not sought help, I can only imagine you would be in a much worse state."

"Sebastian?" (Y/N) responded, feeling more attentive with every passing second.

"Yes, he brought you back to the school, and Professor Garlick brought you up here once she spotted him running through the gardens."

(Y/N) said nothing, listening carefully.

"Oh, you were in a right state. Cuts all over you, a big blow to your head, a few cracked ribs, and a broken ankle." She explained.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. "What?" She gaped.

"Oh, yes, it's awful, I'm sorry to say." She nodded with pursed lips. "You'll get better soon though, don't you worry. You'll have to stay here for a few days, however, and no duelling or physical activity for at least two weeks. We may have advanced medical cures but you still must rest."

(Y/N) gulped, frowning slightly as she took in the information. "Okay." She breathed. "Um- when can I see my friends?"

"Oh my, I've had enough of that from them!" She teased. "Every hour they wait outside the faculty tower and ask to come up. It's very sweet." She smiled kindly.

"How long have I been in here?" (Y/N) mumbled, afraid of the answer.

"A good three days," She confirmed. "I was beginning to worry whether you'd wake up, given the head injury." Her tone seemed more solemn now. "Glad to see you're up though!" She stood from her knees and dusted off her thighs although there was nothing on her uniform given the hygiene of the room.

"Sorry, but when can I see my friends?" (Y/N) reiterated.

"Oh, yes! Next time they come round, I'll let them up. How's that?" She answered sweetly.

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