Poppy Sweeting | Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

Today was my first day at Hogwarts! It was amazing! It was just as beautiful as I dreamt! Mother always said that it was the prettiest thing she had ever seen (after me). She said that she always remembers her first day at Hogwarts and I'm the same! There is no way I'm going to forget this!

The boat ride was amazing! The Black Lake was a bit scary though. Some of the boys were talking about a squid in the lake and in all honesty i thought it was gonna come up and sink us! It didn't though which is good cause that would have been bad. Some other girls were talking about mermaids also being in the lake which is cool. I don't mind mermaids. There nice! There like people but with tails! Sometimes i wonder what it would be like to have a mermaid tail or to breathe underwater. That would be cool! Although i would be a bit scared because its dark at the bottom of the lake or water. Apparently you can see the mermaids from the slitherin common room! That is very cool. Even though im sure the common room is nice i feel a bit bad for the people down there. I bet its really cold down there cause its in the dungeons. Why would you put people in the dungeon? I think its a bit mean but id never tell anyone! I dont want to get in trouble. Especially not with profesor black! He was quite scary. He kept on looking at us with scary eyes. Profesor weasly seemed nice though!

The sorting ceremony was really nice too! I was really nervous even though mother said she didnt care what house i was in. She said shed love me either way. I still got into her house though! GRYFINDOR! How fun! The people are really nice! I met this boy called Garreth! His hair was the colour of fire! It was so cool but i didnt say anything cause i was nervous. I cant believe im in gryfindor though! Im definitly not as brave as mother! She once caught a spider with her bear hands! It was crazy.. Im scared of spiders. I guess i have to get braver if im going to be in this house! Maybe garreth can teach me! He seems brave.

The feast was really yummy too! It was really nice and i had a great time!

I should get to bed now! Its getting late and i should sleep. I miss mother already. I cant wait for december when i can go back home! I sent her a letter before i started writing this so she already knows all this. I hope my classes go well!

Goodnight diary. :)


Dear Diary,

Today was my first beasts class! That was really scary! We didnt have it during the first week because madam howin was still setting everything up. It was amazing! Some of the animals were so cute! I think the nifflers were my favourite even if one of them tried to steal the bracelet nanny got me for my birthday last year. They were adorable! Howin let me hold one! It was so soft! I really liked the puffskeens as well! They were really fluffy! The neezles scared me a bit but thats because they remind me of mister freds cat! Gregory never liked me. That cat would scratch me when i was little and one of the neezles looked exactly like him! They were still nice though.

Some people were mean! I met someone called Sebastian who was a bit mean. He kept on pretending to give a niffler a treat but then took it away! I know he was playing but after a while i felt bad. I gave that niffler extra treats afterwards. He wasnt that bad. Some others were just cruel! Someone else in slitherin hit one of the neezles! I know i said they were a bit scary but it didnt deserve to be hit! This girl from hufflpuff shouted at them. I wasnt brave enough to shout. I wish i was braver. I sometimes worry that im in the wrong house but mother assures me its fine and that i will get brave with time. Still i feel bad. I should have shouted at those boys like the hufflpuff. She seemed really nice! I didnt get her name though.. She was very brave. She likes animals i can tell. Maybe well get closer! I like animals too.

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