Poppy Sweeting | Charm

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(Y/N) walked slowly to her next class, her eyes tracing the words of a book that lay open in her hands. Practically, it was not the smartest thing to be doing while one is moving. However, (Y/N) had found herself entranced by a particular murder mystery that was hastily leading toward a climax and she could not pull herself away from the pages. Her feet occasionally stumbled as she waved through the grass, her footing catching loose pebbles and stones. Still, she didn't tear her eyes from the words, absorbing the story and envisioning the detective work at play.

However, a particular shout pulled her from her reading. "Stop it! Stop it please!" A loud distressed voice pleaded from the distance. (Y/N)'s eyes left her book in the direction of the voice, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Let her go! Stop!" The voice continued.

(Y/N) sped up her footing as she approached the pleads. Her face contorted with confusion and slight worry as the voice that shouted was laced with helplessness and worry. (Y/N) rounded the corner of Professor Howin's hut and came face-to-face with a short Hufflepuff girl pleading for two Gryffindors to stop lifting the nifflers off the ground and dropping them onto the hard ground.

"Please!" The Hufflepuff begged with horrified eyes as yet another niffler let out a yelp as it was dropped.

(Y/N) felt her brows furrow furiously as anger began to stifle her senses, her grip on her book tightening with instinctive rage. Her footing quickened as she approached the Gryffindor students. She said nothing, she let go of the book with one hand so it was hanging open. She silently pulled her wand from her robe and pointed it at the two who seemed too occupied to notice her arrival. Wordlessly, the book in her hand levitated and shot straight toward one of the student's heads, knocking right into their temple and sending them stumbling backward. They let out a yelp in surprise while the Hufflepuff gasped at the sudden attack. The book was swiftly returned to (Y/N) with a simple swish of her wand, closing evenly and tucking neatly by her side. All three heads turned towards her.

"What do you think you're doing?" She smiled, but the grin was dripping with malice and hostility.

The Hufflepuff recognised (Y/N), along with the two Gryffindors. (Y/N) was relatively popular, although nothing extraordinary. She was most known for her excellence in Charms. She was a prominent Auror in the making. She was a master at spells, excelling everyone in her classes and even in the years above, doing so from her very first class. (Y/N) had conquered non-verbal spells two years before the lessons in Hogwarts had started, making her a formidable opponent considering one could never predict what spell she would cast. (Y/N)'s silent attack was deadly, and her eyes staring daggers into the Gryffindors ensured that they were aware of her natural skill.

The Gryffindors were silent, staring in worry at (Y/N).

"Did you not hear me?" (Y/N) hissed, her eyes narrowing as she took a step closer. Her wand was raised, her eyes unreadable and her face suggesting that she was ready to give no mercy. "I asked what you were doing?"

"Nothing- We weren't doing anything." The student who had not been hit by the book stammered.

"Nothing?" (Y/N) mocked, cocking her head to the side and allowing her simple presence to intimidate the students who thought they were righteous enough to hurt an innocent animal. "I doubt someone would be pleading you to stop you from doing nothing." She shrugged.


"Don't lie to me." (Y/N) seethed. She moved her wand swiftly to the left, watching the student's robe clump to the front and be lifted off of the ground as if an invisible being was pulling them from the collar. "I know exactly what you were doing. And then I gave you a chance to confess? And you lie?" She tutted. She moved her wand to the right and the student was pulled forcefully towards her. "You lied to me..." She breathed with threatening eyes. "Sad." She sighed. She flicked her wand downwards and slammed the student's body into the ground, much like they were doing to the nifflers, but perhaps more violently.

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