Ominis Gaunt | I Don't Want to Hurt You

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A scream echoed through the cave as (Y/N) fell to her knees, her mind pounding and her vision blurry. She felt bile crawl up her throat as her hands searched the body for a pulse. She found none, which only made her screams more distressed and loud. Tears streamed down her cheeks, clearing some of the dirt and dust that had begrimed her flesh through her endless fighting. Her teeth chattered with despair, her jaw aching; in fact, her whole body ached. She was unbelievably exhausted and her flesh burned with numerous wounds embedded in her skin. Blood dampened her clothing, her white shirt now stinking with red. Her hair was matted with gunk and blood too, hairs sticking to her bruised forehead. She struggled to breathe and she could barely keep her eyes open.

"(Y/N)?!" A faint voice called from a distance. The sound was echoey and hazy, sounding like static in her ears. She ignored it, her mind on one thing; the one thing that lay dead in front of her. "(Y/N)?!" The same voice called with distress.

Suddenly, (Y/N) felt hands on her arms. She let out a screech of worry, followed by a cough of vomit expelling from her throat. She let out a loud sob as she clawed away from the hold. She couldn't leave him here; she wouldn't leave him here. She scrambled back towards the dead body, her hands shaking with complete and utter fright.

"(Y/N)..." The voice was softer now, still trying to pull her away. "It's alright..." They tried to comfort but it did nothing to help the heartbreak that wracked through (Y/N)'s mind and body.

"(Y/N)," Another voice suddenly chimed. Another pair of hands grabbed her shoulder.

"Let me go!" She screamed, wailing loudly as she kicked away the bodies that seized her.

She continued to cry and sob, her whole body twitching with uncontrollable sorrow. She screamed as much as she could, but soon her breath would run short and she would be left a shell of the person she once was. She felt more vomit climbing up her throat, her body desperately trying to rid itself of this deadly pain.

"What... to... hurt... she..."

(Y/N) heard odd words spoken but the ringing in her ear prevented her from hearing clearly. She could hear nothing but her own screams, her own pain, her own consequences.

"Yes, do it." She caught.

And suddenly, her mind was silent as black encompassed her eyes. She felt her breath taken from her throat as she fell forward, her head banging onto the stone floor; completely unconscious.

Professor Sharp knelt down and gently lifted her. She was completely slack, her limbs hanging downwards like she was dead. He looked down at his colleague's body with sadness in his eyes, his lips trembling slightly. He forced his eyes away and stepped away from Professor Fig, clutching the unconscious girl tightly to make sure she did not slip from his grip.

Professor Weasley placed a comforting hand on Sharp's shoulder as they slowly began to exit the cave where the long-running threat to the Wizarding world ended once and for all because of the unconscious girl being carried. She had defeated Ranrok, all by herself. And when everything seemed okay, the person who helped her through her journey died in front of her eyes.

They rushed away from the cave and back to Hogwarts, straight to the Hospital Wing where (Y/N) would lay unmoving for a few weeks.

(Y/N) stepped onto the Hogwarts Express with a frown. She had spent the first half of her summer in St. Mungo's. Her condition after her big fight was critical. She had broken multiple bones, suffered brain damage, and experienced extreme emotional trauma. She spent the second half of her summer with Professor Sharp who offered his home for her rest. She rarely left her room, rarely ate, and rarely slept. She was a shell, just like she expected she'd be.

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