Sebastian Sallow | Rivalry

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It is common knowledge amongst the students at Hogwarts that Slytherins and Gryffindors do not get along. Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin were great friends, but Slytherin's stubbornness to not let Muggle-born students into the school caused a rift between the two, leaving a permanent strain for centuries to come between the two houses. Sure, there were plenty of Gryffindors and Slytherins who were perfectly fine with each other, interpreting the rivalry as comical and silly, but there were plenty who took it insanely seriously, not even looking at those from the other house. Nothing amplified this behaviour more than Quidditch.

In 1890-1891, Professor Black had banned Quidditch for that school year as a result of an injury but through vigorous petitioning, rallying, and begging, the Headmaster reestablished the sport for the following year.

In 1892, the Quidditch champions were Slytherin, taking home the cup in a cloud of glory. In the following year, they were determined to keep up their streak, while their rival team envied desperately to kick them off their high horses. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff also took part, but just like last year, they would fail to make it to the top two.

(Y/N) walked onto the pitch with her broom in her hand, admiring the stadium that seemed far bigger now that she was on the ground rather than in the stands.

"(Y/N)! You made it!" A familiar voice cheered excitedly.

(Y/N) saw Natsai jog away from her teammates to greet the new player. "Hey." (Y/N) smiled.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Natty beamed. "And all it needed was a bit of convincing."

"After a year." (Y/N) chuckled. Last year (Y/N) decided not to try for the Quidditch team as she felt she wasn't up to the standard players should be. She was never much of a sporty or active person so a sport as vigorous as Quidditch was out of the question. No matter how hard Natty had tried to get (Y/N) to join, she never did. This year was different, however. (Y/N) had gained a lot of confidence during her Sixth Year as she began to excel in her classes, become more extroverted and become a little more active. Over the summer before Seventh Year, she had practised her flying relentlessly and suddenly the thought of Quidditch didn't seem as daunting, and she knew if she didn't try for her last year she'd regret not at least giving it a shot.

"Yes," Natty smiled. Natty was this year's captain of the Quidditch team as last year's had already graduated, giving Natty a promotion to the top of the team; which they all agreed with massively considering her fighting spirit made her a wily competitor. While they did not win last year, Natty was determined to not fall to the same fate, and (Y/N) was her golden snitch. "I'm proud that you're giving it a shot."

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile bashfully at her words. (Y/N) and Natsai were best friends, undoubtedly. (Y/N) had met Natty when Natty first arrived in her fourth year and they were instantly friends. Natty was very outgoing, extroverted, and ambitious, whereas (Y/N) was more timid and observant, but Natty brought (Y/N) out of her shell; a typical extrovert adopting their introvert friend. (Y/N) was far more confident than she was before meeting Natty and she was grateful for her friend's presence in her life.

"Why, thank you." (Y/N) blushed. "I'll try but I can't promise any talent." She shrugged.

"Oh, come on! I believe in you! And so does the rest of the team! You should have seen Garreth's face when I told him that you were trying out." She gushed.

"You told everyone?" (Y/N) questioned with a cringe. "Merlin, I'm going to die here." She wailed dramatically.

"Stop being a baby." Natsai scolded with a laugh. "You said you've been practising over the summer, you're gonna be great!"

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