Ominis Gaunt | Infuriating

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"Oh, Ominis, you don't understand. She is just absolutely breathtaking." Sebastian cooed with lovesick eyes.

"I hate to point out the obvious reason as to why I can't understand," Ominis grumbled. He was playing with the stuffing on his plate as Sebastian fawned over the girl Ominis could never seem to get away from. Every conversation had her name floating in it. Every corridor they turned into had her walking down it. Sebastian was absolutely and unfathomably infatuated with the girl.

"Okay, yeah, didn't mean to say it like that." Sebastian chuckled bashfully. "She's just so-

"Another adjective and I will go insane." Ominis snapped.

Sebastian let out a disappointed huff as he slumped on the table, pushing the plate away from him which was still piled with food, untouched. "I've lost my appetite." He pouted.

Ominis rolled his eyes. "Merlin, you are unbelievably dramatic."

"You were making fun of me!" Sebastian whined like a child being scolded.

"Can you blame him?" A voice from the boys' right sneered. "Whatever comes out of your mouth is pure drivel."

"Imelda!" Sebastian gasped. "I see you looking at her too! You can't hide it! Don't think I don't notice!"

Imelda scowled at Sebastian fiercely. "You shut your mouth, Sallow." She snarled.

"I've never been more glad not to have the gift of sight." Ominis sighed. Despite making fun of Sebastian, Ominis too had lost his appetite after the incessant cooing and awing from Sebastian during their dinner.

This had been going on for months. The once mischievous, cheeky, funny, spontaneous, Sebastian Sallow had been reduced to a dithering mess once returning from their summer break for their sixth year at Hogwarts.

(Y/N) (L/N) was a perfectly normal girl. She wasn't anything new to Hogwarts. She'd been in school since First Year just like everyone else. However, she'd matured quite nicely over their summer, or so Ominis had been told. He obviously had no way of confirming nor denying such an occurrence. Although the evidence was pointing towards confirmation, for it was not just Sebastion who was suddenly fawning over the Gryffindor girl, but the whole school. She'd harnessed everyone's affections as if she'd dosed them with amortentia - the idea had certainly crossed Ominis' mind.

Although, while Ominis' statement was truthful, he was glad he was not part of this sudden flock so distracted by physical attributes, he couldn't deny that he himself was curious. Was she really that beautiful? So beautiful that she had turned the whole student body into her fan club? Ominis was undeniably interested, but every time Sebastian opened his mouth Ominis was thankful he was not under the same love-sick spell.

"She is pretty." Imelda sighed. Her eyes lingered on (Y/N) at the Gryffindor table for a few moments before she forced her gaze back to her plate.

"Well, this incessant conversation has grown rather dull after it's been repeated a thousand times." Ominis sneered.

"You're just jealous you can't join in." Sebastian spat with an annoyed pout.

"That's low-hanging fruit, Sebastian." Ominis scolded coolly. "If you must act like a lost puppy though, could you not do it around her, and not me?" Ominis sipped on his pumpkin juice once he was done.

"Talk to her?!" Sebastian shrieked. "Absolutely not!" He shook his head furiously.

Ominis let out a choked groan of impatience. "And why not?" He hissed with a vicious snarl.

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