Sebastian Sallow | Like a Teenager Again - Part 2

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(Y/N) and Sebastian walked down the path towards Hogwarts with the sky dark above them, though dotted with stars and a full moon to illuminate the walk. The only sound was their boots on the pebbles, crunching as they gently strolled away from Hogsmeade. They'd spent the night in The Three Broomsticks with plenty of food and drink to keep them going for a fortnight and the night was undeniably magical. Though they were both nervous for such a romantic occasion, it was unbelievably well with a night filled with memories and nostalgia.

"That was lovely, Sebastian." (Y/N) breathed, breaking the serene quiet. She found herself unable to look him in the eye with the immense redness on her cheeks. She was sure he would not be able to see the bashfulness in her expression given the darkness that shrouded the valley but she wasn't willing to risk it. The racing pace of her heartbeat was enough to deter her from any eye contact with the man she knew she was hopelessly in love with; the man she knew she'd never stopped loving. And yet, she wouldn't dare say such a theatrical and dramatic statement aloud. "Really." She added with a small smile gracing her lips.

One could say that (Y/N) and Sebastian had never felt more alike than they did at this very moment for Sebastian too felt like his heart was being drowned in the nostalgic feeling he had for (Y/N), a feeling that began when they were only fifteen. He glanced shyly at (Y/N) but once seeing her gaze fixed fiercely on the path before them, he flitted his eyes back to the direction in which they were walking with a strange alertness.

He gulped and cleared his throat before responding. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He murmured, his voice quiet but perfectly clear in the serene silence of the evening. "I'd love to do it again... if that would be alright with you."

(Y/N) felt her smile widen with glee at the idea. "That would be nice." She nodded, finally willing her eyes to him. She found herself transfixed once again by his appearance. He was a handsome gentleman and with every day he seemed to get more beautiful in her eyes for with every day his expression aged with the experience of life and it only added to his impressiveness. To her, he was the most impressive man she'd ever met.

Sebastian was quick to catch her eye as he did not want it to flutter away too quickly. He wanted to gaze into (Y/N)'s eyes as they held all the knowledge and skill of her travels, the aspects of her that made her so interesting, so exciting. He inhaled deeply as he gazed upon her, feeling suddenly vulnerable as the victim of her stunning gaze. A woman of fantastic skill and intelligence was who he saw before him and he'd never felt so lucky to be in the mere presence of her.

He held the door open for (Y/N) as they re-entered Hogwarts. The corridors were pin-drop silent and so the professors kept quiet as they journeyed up the stairs and towards the Faculty Tower to retire for the night.

The two slowly strolled down the corridor toward the professor's quarters, both dreading the fact that they'd had to disband for the night, not knowing the next time where they'd have the time nor the opportunity for such a night again.

They both hesitated before entering the tower, (Y/N) standing in front of the door and looking up at Sebastian with an expression he could not read (which irked him in a way he strangely liked).

He gulped before whispering; "I'd like to reiterate how magnificent I find you, (Y/N)." He commented honestly, finding himself lost in the colour of her eyes and feeling their power strip off any filters that may hinder his truth.

(Y/N) let out a small shocked gasp but couldn't help smiling largely at his words. She wouldn't be surprised if her eyes had suddenly turned into pulsating hearts. "That's awfully kind, Sebastian. You are as gentlemanly as ever." She muttered, "I'd like to say how impressive you are as well." She added.

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