Sebastian Sallow | Attention

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Sebastian Sallow was handsome, charming, charismatic, funny, extroverted, and anything a teenage girl could ask for. Sebastian Sallow was quite possibly the most popular person in Hogwarts. He caused trouble and yet was well-liked among teachers. He had an attitude but got on with almost everybody. He was a very diverse character that captured the hearts of many in the magical school. Sebastian was well aware of this fact. Firstly, it was insanely evident given the flock of girls that tended to follow him around school. Secondly, he received several confessions from fellow students several times a week. And thirdly; his ego was big enough to convince himself that he was in fact the most popular and handsome student in the school.

(Y/N) was well aware of Sebastian's presence in Hogwarts, but she simply felt apathetic to it. She had never spoken to him before, not once. She remembered him on the first day at Hogwarts, in the sorting ceremony five years ago, but beyond that, she had never even seen him other than crossing him in the hallways a few times a month. They did not have any classes together, were not in the same house, and were not exposed to each other. She didn't hate him nor like him, she just didn't really care.

(Y/N) walked down the corridor and entered the Central Hall, approaching the large fountain and making a right turn towards the greenhouses by Herbology. (Y/N) was very taken with Herbology despite it being a generally Hufflepuff profession - (Y/N) being Ravenclaw making it a little odd. Of course, this did not prohibit her from exploring the subject more which she often did, going down into the herbology department and doing extra work with Professor Garlick and occasionally other students such as Samantha Dale (who also happened to be Ravenclaw - perhaps they were changing the stereotype of Herbology).

She entered the greenhouses and descended down the metallic stairs, listening to the creaking they made as she walked upon them. She landed on the cobblestone floor that was decorated with moss and little plants peeking from the cracks. She walked through the glass archway and breathed in the fresh scent of flowers and plants that she had become so familiar with.

She headed down to the main classroom that Professor Garlick often taught in, the same classroom she normally resided in even when not teaching. She opened the door quietly just in case she was interrupting something. She heard voices from the classroom, one from Professor Garlick and the other one a little familiar but (Y/N) couldn't quite pinpoint it.

She walked in and recognised the back of a Slytherin uniform facing Garlick. The professor broke eye contact with the student and gave (Y/N) a look of acknowledgement before going back to the student; (Y/N) smiled in response and ignored them.

As she moved further into the room, she noticed another Slytherin, standing off to the side, perhaps waiting for their friend to finish speaking.

She looked at the student and recognised it as Sebastian Sallow, a very popular student at school but someone she had never interacted with. He did not catch her eye and she looked down at a pot that she had planted something a few days prior.

Sebastian glanced at her once she had looked away. While she recognised him, he did not recognise her. She did not look familiar, he could not think of a name, and he couldn't pinpoint her face at all. His brows furrowed slightly but he made sure not to look at her for too long, pulling his eyes away and looking back at Ominis who questioned their teacher on the work due the following week.

"Thank you, Professor," Ominis ended with an appreciative smile.

"No worries, Ominis!" Garlick smiled back. "I'm here whenever you need me."

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