Sebastian Sallow | Conflict

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(Y/N) placed the second canvas into the frame which fit perfectly into the wooden shape. It was a scene she was not familiar with, like a lot of the land around Hogwarts, but Sebastian recognized it instantly. It was a grassy plain, like the other, but with a large stone mountain behind it, and a slither of blue water at the bottom of the parchment.

"I know that coast..." Sebastian muttered. (Y/N) looked at him curiously. "Ranrok has taken over a huge mine over there, and the surrounding area. It's as bad as Feldcroft now..." His tone was saddened, exasperated. (Y/N) looked at him sincerely, meeting his eyes and sharing a sympathetic look with him as she noticed his clear discontent with the location painted in front of them.

(Y/N) was silent. Her gaze eventually left him and looked back at the canvas, her eyes trailing the details on the painting.

"Should we head there now?" Sebastian suggested.

(Y/N) knew he was eager to make progress and wanted to support him as much as she could. However this time it was different, "We should wait." She responded, bringing her sight back to him.

Sebastian's brows immediately furrowed in confusion, and (Y/N) noticed his jaw tighten slightly in mild distaste. "Why?" He questioned.

"All this time, we've been a step behind Ranrok. I may know something who can get us ahead." (Y/N) explained honestly.

"Who's that?" Sebastian was less tense and now more inquisitive.

"Someone who knows Ranrok personally. They asked me not to mention their name." (Y/N) continued, respectfully leaving Lodgok's presence out of the conversation.

Sebastian's jaw once again tightened, but a lot more this time. "A goblin?" He hissed which caused (Y/N) to feel more cautious. "Tell me you're joking." He chuckled, but the laugh was malicious - like a threat.

(Y/N)'s eyes narrowed, feeling suddenly uneasy with his adverse reaction.

"You know goblins cursed my sister to shut her up. Said she should be 'seen, not heard.'" He spat.

(Y/N) was silent for a moment, unsure what to respond with. "I do." She replied cautiously. "But not all goblins–"

Sebastian cut her off with a loud interruption; 'Not all goblins what?" He sneered. (Y/N) frowned expressively in response. "Have you forgotten Feldcroft? Have you forgotten the mine we just went through?" His face was angry, his fists clenched and his teeth grinding against each other.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock, not expecting his to turn too negatively. "Sebastian– You're not listening to me." (Y/N)'s tone had changed too; offended and hurt. She felt a pain in her chest as they spoke.

"Why would I listen to someone so ignorant?" He seethed.

(Y/N)'s jaw slackened slightly, leaving her mouth minimally agape at his words. A sharper pain erupted in her heart.

"How can you be so cruel?" (Y/N) frowned with a quieter volume.

"I am not being cruel," Sebastian stated sternly.

"Yes, you are!" (Y/N) replied loudly. "Who do you think you are speaking to me like that? I'm trying to help you!" She berated back.

"Help me? By fraternising with goblins?!" Sebastian exclaimed back.

(Y/N) clenched her jaw tightly. She felt her nostrils tingle with sadness, alerting her that tears would ready to brim her eyes if she continued. She was not about to give him the satisfaction of her pain. "Maybe I won't help you then." She muttered, her voice wavering with every syllable.

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