Ominis Gaunt | In a Trance - Part 2

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Ominis, (Y/N) and Sebastian walked toward the library in silence, groggy as it was a Saturday morning which all three would prefer to spend in their beds.

Ominis and (Y/N) had gotten far closer over the course of the weeks that followed the spider attack in Feldcroft. They had overcome the initial distaste for each other and leaned into friendly flirting. The two had a lot in common, both were very sarcastic, rather judgemental, and very honest, having little shame in what they did as their actions were always intentional. This resulted in a lot of flirting between the two, which they both were fully aware they were doing. At first, it was because it annoyed Sebastian who found it gross that they'd tease each other like sappy elderlies. But it soon gained substance, truth behind their words which they were completely honest about.

(Y/N) found Ominis very attractive. His hair was soft, his eyes were mesmerising, and his features were sharp and charming. She found him intelligent too, very witty and quick which she idolised massively. She also appreciated his kindness towards Sebastian which she noticed would apply to her at times too. He did not care what people thought of him and was unkind to people he disliked, but he cared for Sebastian with his entire being and would never allow him to be hurt.

Ominis found (Y/N) attractive too, although he could not see her of course; the softness of her hands whenever they brushed against his, the pitch, tone, and diction of voice, and her sense of humour at the very top, made her someone who was deeply attracted to. He admired her dedication to her craft; acting as if she didn't care but working to no end to get assignments done. She had a victorious intent within her, often wanting to be the best out of everyone and doing extra work to make that happen.

They made these thoughts known to each other, although they commonly disguised them as teasing or joking insults such as; "You're so nice to Sebastian, maybe you should be nicer to me," or "You work so hard that I think your head might fall off - and I won't notice."

They found a table on the second floor and settled down with their stuff.

"I can't believe you're making me do this." (Y/N) whined, sitting across from Ominis and Sebastian who took seats next to each other. "It's nine. In the morning! I'm going to die!" She wailed.

"You're so dramatic," Ominis sighed with a slight chuckle, pulling out his books and placing them on the table.

"I know." (Y/N) smirked. "But it's true! Why are we here?"

"We need to work on that assignment for History of Magic, remember?" Sebastian explained, looking at (Y/N) with judgmental eyes.

"I have already done that." (Y/N) responded flatly.

"Well, I didn't know that." Sebastian tutted. "At least you can help us."

"I already did it too." Ominis chimed.

"What? Are you being serious?" Sebastian groaned. "Well, then both of you can help me because I don't understand what's going on."

"Do you ever?" (Y/N) sneered.

"Could you stop?" Sebastian frowned before giving Ominis a dirty look considering he had laughed at (Y/N)'s joke.

"Maybe you should pay more attention in class," Ominis muttered, smiling to himself.

(Y/N) hummed in agreement. "Or any attention at that."

"I wish you guys would go back to hating each other." Sebastian grumbled.

(Y/N) laughed. "How can I hate such a handsome face." She cooed.

Sebastian faked a gag. "I told you to stop doing that!" He groaned, scooting away from the table to emphasise his disgust.

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