Sebastian Sallow | Locked Out

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"(Y/N)," Sebastian looked nervous. He didn't look at her but rather kept his gaze fixed on the ground with his hands fidgeting awkwardly.

(Y/N) caught onto his tentativeness instantly. "Are you alright?" She asked.

Sebastian's eyes darted up at her. They were frazzled. "I'm fine." He mumbled.

(Y/N) raised a brow in confusion. "You don't look fine."

Sebastian forced out a laugh. He pushed through the door, successfully knocking (Y/N) against the shoulder and forcing his eyes back into the cabin. (Y/N) followed his movement with her eyes, confused and slightly jarred.

"Where's Ominis?" She asked.

Sebastian gulped. "He's gone to get food." He waved his hand dismissively.

"What?!" She gasped, staring at Sebastian with eyes. "Sebastian! That is a blind man! You let him go by himself?!"

Sebastian grimaced uncomfortably. "I know how it sounds-"

"Merlin, Sebastian!" She placed her hands on her temples, her heart beating rapidly with worry. She reached into her cloak and pulled out her wand. "I'm going to find him." She declared with a firm nod.

Sebastian's eyes widened with panic. He rushed past her and towards the door, staring down at her challengingly with a stressed look in his dark gaze. "That's not a good idea." He warned with a vigorous shake of his head.

(Y/N)'s eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Why not?"

Sebastian rushed into the darkness with a conflicted look on his face. He looked back at the closed door of the cabin, hesitating slightly. He wanted to go in. He knew he should. But he couldn't. He was supposed to be the courageous one of the three, the one with no fear, the one who could do anything. But this. This he couldn't do. So rather than being with the girl he loved, like planned, he'd left and fled to Ominis again.

"Ominis!" He called out. He cringed at his own voice. He could hear the disappointment in it clearly. He felt pathetic. "Ominis!" He was getting distressed.

"Sebastian?" Ominis revealed himself from behind a tree, holding up his wand defensively and cautiously. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't do it." Sebastian cried. He dropped his face into his hands, quickly running his fingers into his fine, soft hair and dropping his head back, in one fluid motion. He let out a groan of frustration. "I just can't say it."

Ominis rolled his eyes. "I've heard that lie a million times before." He sighed. He stepped towards Sebastian with a mildly sympathetic look but mostly masked with annoyance and impatience. "We've been over this, Sebastian!"

"Yes! I know that, Ominis! Don't you think I know that!" The brunette hissed, grinding his teeth together. "What if she doesn't like me? What if-"

"What if! What if! What if!" Ominis sneered back at his friend. His harshness was purposeful. "How many times have we had this conversation?! I'm beginning to think we're stuck, not only in the muggle world, but in time!"

"Must you be so dramatic?" Sebastian rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "We don't know that she feels the same way. We just don't!"

"And we won't know if you don't ask!" Ominis rebutted.

"And embarrass myself?! I think not!"

"You say that as if you don't do so daily," Ominis mumbled.

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