Sebastian Sallow + Ominis Gaunt | Time is Just a Number

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(Y/N) walked down the stone stairs into an underground chamber, her wand lit up with the spell; Lumos, to guide her through the darkness. The chamber reeked of mildew and dampness, an overwhelming smell that forced her to breathe through her mouth as she descended into the abandoned cavern. Her eyes carefully examined the walls which were none-the-different to any other cave; stone, jagged walls that arched over her head, a thin layer of moistness coating the grey, and no light at all.

She had heard of the cavern from Nearly-Headless Nick who was chatting about something she was not paying attention to, but mentioned a basement in Hogwarts, in the West Wing, in which he recalled several Slytherin students would often venture down into, along with Tom Riddle.

She bit down on her bottom lip nervously. As she journeyed further into the unknown, she regretted not telling anyone what she was planning on doing, and not bringing anyone with her. Her eyes were wide and observant, making sure that she would not be caught off guard.

Finally, she reached a door. It was taller than the average door with golden hinges that seemed to shine in the light from the wand. She carefully placed her hand on the wood and pushed - it did not move. She pushed even harder, but again, there was no indication that it would open. She took a step back; inhaled carefully to steady her hand and chanted; 'Alohomora.' The sound of a click, a hatch unlocking, was heard from the other side of the door. (Y/N) pushed it again and it opened.

The room was very large with cloisters that shaped the frame. It reminded (Y/N) of the Room of Requirement, but it was smaller, shorter, and still had that foul stench, clearly not far removed from its cave-like corridor.

She ventured further into the foreign room which seemed completely empty. It seemed as though this adventure would end empty-handed. But then a shine caught her eye, a twinkle in the dark. She turned to the right side of the room and saw on the floor a stopwatch. She examined it carefully. It was silver, with a white analog clock in the middle, ticking accordingly. No matter how long it had been left down here, it was certainly up to date with the time and day. At the top, in small cursive writing, it read: 26th February 1996. 3.06 pm. Nothing out of the ordinary.

She held on to the stopwatch and examined the room further, but there was nothing to be seen. The basement was utterly empty, with nothing left behind except the old stopwatch. She sighed and shrugged. At least she got herself a fancy little trinket. She glanced at the item in her hand apathetically and gave it a click, pressing the button on the side of the watch to start the timer. All of a sudden, the two hands of the clock began to rapidly spin anti-clockwise, going at an insane pace.

"And I broke it." She sighed, watching the watch panic as it lost control of itself.

She put the watch into her cloak and began to exit the dungeon, the clock still winding backward in her clothes. She retraced her steps, up through the awful-smelling cave; although the smell had become milder, perhaps she was used to it by now.

As she walked, she could feel the watch still moving against her chest, which started to irritate her. She sighed, pulled out the watch, pushed the button, and put it back in her cloak with the date reading; 14th May 1891, 6.37 pm. She did not notice the change.

She exited the cave to the Hogwarts dungeons and quickly made her way up to the Central Hall where Harry, Ron, and Hermione said they would be at this time ('this time' being; 26th February 1996, around 4 pm). She frowned as she couldn't find them. They were going to discuss what their next plan was, surely that would be important enough to remain tardy. She inhaled in mild annoyance and sat down on the edge of the fountain, waiting their arrival.

She waited for exactly fifteen minutes before she stood up angrily, scrunching up her face. She looked around and still could not see the famous Gryffindor Trio and decided to leave the fountain and try and find them somewhere else.

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