Garreth Weasley | Baked Goods

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(Y/N) tip-toed out of her common room, a disillusionment charm cast over her while she slinked through the silent corridors of Hogwarts. She kept close to the walls, using the shadows to her advantage as she swiftly moved past the eyeing prefects that were adamant about catching anyone outside of their common room after curfew. She held her breath as she watched them walk past her, completely unaware of her presence. She hastily turned a corner and descended down a case of spiral stairs, slowly getting further and further from the prying eyes wishing for her downfall. She entered a warmly lit corridor, the colours making her feel cosy and comforted.

The candles flickered as she moved through the air, a soft ripple of orange shaping the light as she passed through. She turned to the left and came face to face with the painting she was most familiar with in Hogwarts. She bent down slightly and tickled the painted pear, watching it wriggle with quiet laughter before the frame popped open. She smiled and pushed through, entering the kitchen she felt so familiar within. She inhaled the sweet smell of home-cooked food, momentarily transported to her home. An unconscious smile painted her lips as she moved further into the house-elf home. She was careful as she moved through the room, not wanting to disturb the hardworking elves that rested peacefully in these late hours of the evening.

She approached a kitchen counter, her eyes trailing down the length of it, wondering what had been made there for their supper - the same supper she had consumed just a few hours ago. She hastily moved behind it and bent down, eyeing the pockets in the wood that contained various pots, pans, bowls, and other utensils used every single day for the feasts. She grabbed a large ceramic bowl and placed it atop the counter, not looking up but lifting it over her head, her eyes remaining on the other items she would need. She grabbed a pot, a chopping board, a scale, and a wooden spoon. She placed all the items over her head before standing up.

"Merlin's beard!" She shrieked as the empty space in front of the counter was filled by a person staring right at her. "You scared the shit out of me." She breathed, placing a hand on her rapidly beating heart.

"Sorry!" The culprit smiled cheekily, raising their hands in surrender.

"Weasley?" (Y/N) squinted her eyes even though she could see him perfectly well. "What are you doing here?" She asked with a suspicious look.

"I could ask you the same thing." Garreth shrugged, the teasing look in his eyes never faltering. "Didn't expect you to be sneaking around after hours."

(Y/N) looked at him in confusion. They had never spoken before, they shared the odd class but were barely acquaintances.

"I just got a bit peckish!" He continued. "Late-night snacks always hit the spot." He let out a yawn, raising his arms dramatically.

(Y/N) hummed in agreement but didn't say anything.

"What are you doing then? This all looks a bit more complicated than simple scouring for some leftover roast potatoes." Garreth mused. He took a step forward and examined the utensils (Y/N) had brought up.

(Y/N) was silent as she examined Garreth. "I'm making something." She nodded, a little cautious as she spoke to him. Everything she was doing was not allowed by any means, if he were to rat her out to his uncle she would be in very big trouble. She tried to not disclose too much, but her presence itself was already a crime he could report.

"Making something?" He imitated, a raised brow indicating he was digging for more information.

"Baking." (Y/N) mumbled. "I'm baking something. I... like it." She sighed, forcing a strained smile.

"I'm not going to tell anyone." Garreth chuckled, sensing that (Y/N) was guarded with her responses. "I can tell that you're worried about me telling on you, or something. Merlin knows I get into enough trouble myself, no point in subjecting you to the same fate."

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