Ominis Gaunt | Betrothed - Part 1

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"What?!" (Y/N) shrieked with wide eyes and an agape mouth, her face contorted into an expression of horror.

"Oh, come on, Dear, no need to be theatrical." Her mother rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her tea. She sat straight with her head high, looking down on her youngest child.

"You cannot be serious." (Y/N) laughed maniacally, pacing back and forth in front of her composed mother, her hands in her hair and pulling aggressively on her locks.

"This is for the family, (Y/N). Try not to be so selfish." Her mother taunted, glaring.

(Y/N) frowned angrily at her mother. "This is not for the family. This is for Father!" She seethed, glaring back. "This is not about me! Or you! This is about Father's fucking monopoly!"

Her mother gasped, slamming her teacup on the table and standing tall with a furious expression. "(Y/N)! What kind of language is that?!" She spat. "You will do as you're told!"

(Y/N) smiled at her crazily. "You will not make me, Mother." She hissed. "I will not marry whoever this little fucktard is!"

Her mother let out a shriek of astonishment. She moved forward in a swift movement, pulling her hand back and quickly delivering a loud slap across her daughter's face. (Y/N) froze, her face thrown sideways with force, her cheek burning with red at the harsh punishment. She felt her lips tremble at the action, her nostrils tingling as tears readied themselves to fall. She made sure not to cry, but she knew she was nearing that breaking point.

"How dare you speak to me like that!" Her mother screeched. "You will do as you're told or you will face the consequences! How dare you defy your father's wishes!"

(Y/N) was silent, not daring to make eye contact with her mother.

"Tomorrow night we're having a ball where you'll meet him. You will be on your best behaviour unless you want to make your father mad." She mocked. "Don't disappoint me."

(Y/N) spun around and fled to her room, tears brimming her eyes. Her body shook with rage. Her frown trembled with frustration. Her eyes were glaring with complete and utter madness. She could feel her stomach churning with disgust at the way she was treated, spoken to, and looked down upon. She was the only daughter of four children. She was at the bottom of the barrel because of her gender. Over the years she had gotten more and more frustrated with her family and had slowly been detaching herself from her family name.

The Nott's were powerful in the wizarding world. They were widely known amongst the higher class and had great influence. They were traditionalists. They kept to stereotypical gender roles despite the fact that the wizarding world was moving past them. They kept their classical values close to them. This included marrying off their daughters to other families.

(Y/N) threw open her bedroom door and slammed it behind her. She finally let the tears fall, letting out a loud sob and rushing to her large double bed, collapsing into it and weeping into the silk sheets. She hugged the pillow into her as she cried, letting her despair spill out of her throat in the form of wails. She lay there for twenty minutes, screaming into her bed with the overwhelming frustration from her family.

She slowly peeled herself off the bed, her eyes red and sore from her cries. Her throat ached and her heart hurt. She sat in front of her vanity and stared at her reflection in the mirror, frowning at her dishevelled appearance. Her frown deepened as she thought of the life set out for her. She saw a life full of misery and hurt.

Marvolo Gaunt.

That was her husband-to-be. Marvolo Gaunt.

She was very aware of the Gaunts. She had met them at social events several times before although she never spoke to them. Their youngest son Ominis was in her year at Hogwarts, in the same house, although they never interacted.

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