Sebastian Sallow | A Life After Hogwarts

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(Y/N) bent down and turned off the tap to halt the water falling from above her. She hastily wrung the water from her hair as she stepped out of the bathtub, the soft material of the bath mat feeling nice against her sore feet. She rolled her shoulders back and stretched, letting droplets of warm water drip off of her skin and onto the bath mat below her as she leaned forward to grab the towel she had folded on the toilet. She wrapped it around her loosely, letting it soak up the dampness on her back while she grabbed the hair brush from the side of the sink. She messily rubbed her hand along the steam-stained mirror to reveal a blurry reflection of herself. She gently brushed through the knots in her hair for a few minutes before putting it back where it was before. She lazily wiped the rest of her body down with the towel before draping it on the hook at the back of her bathroom door.

She slipped through the door and into her bedroom.

"Woah..." Sebastian awed as he turned to the sound of the door opening, only to be met with (Y/N) stepping out with no clothing on whatsoever.

(Y/N) raised a brow at him. "Close your mouth, Sebastian." She rolled her eyes. He was sitting on their shared bed, leaning back on his hands and eyeing her figure closely. She walked right past him, sauntering towards the chest of drawers.

"Can I not admire my wife?" He sang with a smirk, his brown eyes reflecting his complete and utter admiration for (Y/N).

(Y/N) giggled as he spoke. She still blushed after all their years together. She bent down and dug through her drawers to look for her pyjamas. She suddenly felt hands slithering around her waist, pulling her away from the clothing. She let out a laugh and relaxed into Sebastian's front who hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"You're so beautiful..." He muttered, his hands gently cupping her stomach. "I can't believe my baby is in there..." He whispered with an unwavering smile, pure joy radiating off of him.

(Y/N) leaned her head back onto his shoulder, looking up at the ceiling with a soft smile on her lips. "I can't believe it either." She sighed.

Sebastian gently pulled away and turned her around, looking into her eyes kindly. "We're going to be okay." He nodded firmly.

(Y/N)'s grin widened. "I know." She giggled. "Are you going to let me get dressed now?" She raised a brow.

"Nope!" He cheered. He bent down and wrapped his arms around her waist quickly, scooping her up off of the floor, and rushed towards the bed.

(Y/N) laughed as he did so, letting out a huff as she was dropped onto the sheets, falling onto her back. She propped herself up on her elbows to look at Sebastian already climbing onto the bed next to her. He crouched down and pressed a gentle kiss against her womb. At her stomach was a very small bump, barely showing but indicating their child's growth.

"What do you think it is? Boy or girl?" He muttered.

(Y/N) shrugged. "I have no idea."

"Aren't you supposed to... feel it?" He wondered, scooting around and laying next to his wife, looking up at the ceiling with her. He placed a gentle hand against her bump.

"I'm afraid not." She chuckled. (Y/N)'s hand slithered down with his, placing it atop his as they lay on the bed. "I don't feel very much at the moment." She frowned. "I'm a little worried."

Sebastian turned and placed a soft kiss against the side of her head. "We'll be alright, just give it time. You're only eighteen weeks." He muttered comfortingly, making sure his wife was safe and comfortable.

"I know..." She sighed. "I just can't help but be nervous."

Sebastian nodded but squeezed her stomach lightly, making sure she knew that they were in this together.

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