Ominis Gaunt | The Gaunt Manor - Part 1

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(Y/N) sat down at the Slytherin table for breakfast with a tired sigh, her mind still fuzzy and groggy on a Wednesday morning. She had not slept nearly enough last night, rather getting back to her dorm around two o'clock in the morning and being unable to sleep until approximately three-thirty as a result of the adrenaline that was coursing through her veins. She was caught up in a quest given by a villager in Keenbridge who had asked her to get rid of some spiders that were holding up the roads and causing necessities to take longer to arrive, or not arrive at all. But it turned out to be a whole colony of Thornabacks rather than just a few lone spiders. Her adventure stretched into the evening and early hours of the morning with vigorous fighting, only to return to her common room bruised, battered, and exhausted from a long night of fighting the dirty critters.

She yawned quietly, trying to stifle it, but garnering the attention of her two closest friends - the two people she had met on her first day earlier in the year and two she had become incredibly close to.

"Up late last night?" Sebastian questioned idly as he leaned over the table to grab himself some hash browns and a fried egg.

(Y/N) sat opposite Ominis and Sebastian who were already eating when she arrived. "Yep." She answered simply. She grabbed a pot of hot coffee and poured it into her mug, adding the appropriate milk and sugar in hopes it would make her feel more lively.

"I don't know how you drink that." Ominis grimaced once his nose caught wind of the strong scent that emitted from (Y/N)'s mug.

(Y/N) rose a brow at him, "What's wrong with it?" She asked with a tone of humour in her voice. "I'm tired."

"It's vile." Ominis cringed, all the while sipping at his well-made tea.

"I think it's nice!" (Y/N) exclaimed with a laugh. "I must apologise that I'm not as fancy as you, Gaunt." She mocked in a posh accent, followed by a cackle on her behalf.

Sebastian smirked at their exchange, his gaze flickering between the two as they bickered. "I'll have to side with (Y/N) on this one." Sebastian shrugged.

Ominis let out an irritated sigh. "Of course, you would." He mumbled under his breath, taking yet another sip of his Earl Grey Tea.

Sebastian looked at him with an offended expression. "What's that supposed to mean?" He whined.

"Why are you so offended to be associated with me, Sallow?" (Y/N) gaped with an exaggerated look of hurt on her features. "Am I really that embarrassing?"

"Yes." Sebastian nodded with a smirk. "Sorry you had to find out this way." He nodded sadly with feigned empathy.

(Y/N) gasped but couldn't mask the giggle that escaped her lips. "You guys are so mean to me. Perhaps I should get better friends." She teased.

"Please! No one in this school is as entertaining as us!" Sebastian bragged with a charming grin. He threw his arm around Ominis and hugged him to his side tightly, expressing his fondness for his friend physically.

(Y/N) laughed at her friend as she took a bite of her toast which was coated with a thin sheen of butter. "I'm afraid you might be right." She nodded with a smile. Admittedly, she greatly enjoyed Ominis' and Sebastian's presence. While she already had close relationships with others such as Natsai Onai and Poppy Sweeting as a result of her endeavours with various evils going on around the school, the two boys were those she was truly closest to. It began simply because they were in the same house and therefore being exposed to each other a lot more, but with Sebastian's mission to find a cure for his sister and Ominis' bond with him, the three of them became close very quickly.

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