Ominis Gaunt | Too Stupid to Realise

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(Y/N) placed her book down and let out a sigh, sinking into her seat and looking up at the ceiling. Her vision was growing blurry. Her mind was tired. Her fingers were aching from the sheer amount of writing she had been pumping out for a good few hours now. She yawned loudly and rubbed her eyes in a weak attempt to clear her sight, but she only served to blur it further.

"For the last time, I'm begging you to sleep." Her study partner sighed with a dramatic roll of his eyes, placing his book down and scowling fiercely.

(Y/N) frowned. "Must you be so rude? Wipe that look off your face." She sneered. She sat up in her seat but still slouched, crossing her arms and looking at the boy with narrowed eyes.

"I bear this face only because of you." He mused with a chuckle, clearly amusing himself.

"That's really funny. I bet you think you're so funny, Ominis." (Y/N) responded with a frown, but her eyes looked at him with nothing but adoration. She pushed her chair back before she stood up.

Ominis cringed at the sound. "Must you be so loud?"

"Your hearing is heightened; it wasn't that loud." (Y/N) dismissed as she gathered her things from the desk.

"We're still in a library." Ominis stood up, following her move, although, in comparison to (Y/N), he was as silent as a mouse, just as he always was.

"And you're the one still talking." (Y/N) retorted with a cheeky smile. She hugged her books to her chest, resting her chin on the brim; a common habit she did instinctively to hide the fat that hung from beneath it. "I need to get to the Great Hall anyway."

"We both do, dinner is not reserved for you." He mocked.

(Y/N) felt a stab of pain in her heart. Her weight was an extreme issue for her. She had been plus-sized for most of her life and it seemed to be the only thing people saw. It didn't matter that she was probably one of the most talented witches to grace the grounds of Hogwarts. It didn't matter that she had brought victory to the Ravenclaws for several years as the team's seeker. She was just the fat girl. She knew Ominis didn't mean anything by her comment. In fact, she wasn't even sure if Ominis was aware that she was heavier than the average girl at their school. But she still felt suddenly insecure; a sudden sense of dread flooding her mind like a bucket of ice-cold water. She gulped, her gaze falling to the ground as her breath quickened with saddened panic. She let out a shallow breath before plastering on a painful smile. Ominis couldn't see her facade, but the act of smiling made her feel better in itself.

"Shut up, Ominis." She ended the conversation. She turned away from him and headed down the spiral staircase and then proceeded down the length of the library and through the doors. She could hear Ominis' footsteps behind her, following the sound of her as she walked without a word.

He moved to walk alongside her once they exited the library. His face was calm, and his hand held out with his wand gently to navigate through the school. Although in (Y/N)'s presence, he really didn't need the wand. (Y/N) was always careful with him, always looking out for his actions and ensuring that he was safe even in an empty corridor.

They entered the Great Hall and split ways with a friendly goodbye, separating to their house table for the beginning of the meal, although they would meet again after they finished eating to spend the rest of the evening together. She normally walked to the Slytherin table. She never wanted Ominis to move more than he needed to, especially in the weaving bodies so she always found him. She was able to speak to his friends as well although she never really did, whereas Ominis was not familiar with (Y/N)'s friends in Ravenclaw; she never mentioned them and it always seemed to be just them together, never with anyone else.

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