Ominis Gaunt | Worry

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"Confringo!" (Y/N) lit the last pillar which erupted in flames, crackling in the silent corridor.

The sound of doors moving enveloped the hallway in which (Y/N), Sebastian Sallow, and Ominis Gaunt all stood, hoping to enter the Scriptorium - Salazar Slytherin's chamber which held the secrets to the dark magic Sebastian desperately wanted access to in order to help his sister.

Ominis and Sebastian had been close for years, best friends since they were young. Sebastian's sister Anne was also part of that bond, but due to her sickness, the two had not seen her in quite a bit of time. (Y/N) joined Hogwarts not long ago, perhaps a month and a bit, as a new fifth-year. After defeating Sebastian in a duel, she caught the attention of said boy who she quickly became closer to. This subsequently meant she became close to Ominis too, although after a bit of hostility following (Y/N)'s acceptance into the Undercroft. While Sebastian and (Y/N) were close, Ominis and (Y/N) got even closer very quickly as they bonded over similar attitudes and life experiences. From this, romance bloomed.

"There's the door!" Sebastian pointed out, carefully and cautiously looking into the dark corridor that awaited them.

"I cannot believe I am doing this," Ominis muttered to himself, although both (Y/N) and Sebastian heard him perfectly clearly.

"We'll be fine," (Y/N) smiled, placing a gentle hand on Ominis' shoulder and edging him forward. "Just stay close." She assured. She felt Ominis tense at her touch, but quickly relaxed and they moved forward.

The three of them entered the Scriptorium on edge, nervous as to what awaited them in the dark chamber. They descended the stairs, carefully placing one foot in front of the over and desperately trying not to trip.

"Dark, ominous corridors, my favourite." Sebastian joked in the midst of tension as they walked through complete darkness.

"No comment." Ominis replied monotonously.

"That was really funny." (Y/N) teased sarcastically at Sebastian.

"Come on, that was a good one."

(Y/N) hummed in response but gave him no more validation.

As (Y/N) felt the ground flatten, the stairs ending at the bottom of the cellar, she whispered; "Lumos." She watched the cellar bloom with character as /'light was shed upon it, her wand emitting a soft whistle as the tip glowed with blinding white.

(Y/N) immediately spotted a letter on the sill of an arch sculptured into the wall. She approached it and picked it up, immediately spotting the familiar family name; 'Gaunt.'

"A journal entry." (Y/N) announced to the two boys who were trailing behind her, "signed by Noctua Gaunt." She knew the words would sting so she tried to deliver them in a way that would not hurt Ominis.

"Gaunt?" Sebastian mirrored, stepping closer to (Y/N) and looking down at the journal entry with her. "Ominis - your family was here." He pointed out.

(Y/N)'s eyes immediately flickered towards Ominis who was lingering further away from the other two. His eyes were pointed down with a frown painted onto his lips.

"I know." Ominis breathed. "She was my aunt."

(Y/N) reflected his expression and frowned as well in response. She stepped towards him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Ominis..." She whispered kindly. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." His tone was stern - not receptive.

"Reparo," Sebastian uttered as he mended a wrecked sculpture on the ground. The debris lifted from the floor and came together into a stone painting on the wall. "The rubble formed a picture of someone facing a snake." He pointed out.

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