Sebastian Sallow | For Anne - Part 2

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(Y/N) stood nervously in front of the three Slytherins. She had become accustomed to their presence over the last few weeks considering they approached her during classes and in the halls now, even making eye contact with her in the Great Hall when she felt her eyes wandering out of boredom. Still, they were insanely intimidating. Sebastian stood on the left, the tallest of the three, his arms crossed and his head leaning to the side with a smug expression on his face, his dark eyes staring at (Y/N) curiously. Carmen stood in the middle with their arms crossed too, although their eyes had a more sympathetic look as they observed the worried Hufflepuff in front of them. Ominis stood on the right looking the most formal of the three with his back straight and his arms behind him. His head was looking at (Y/N) but his eyes gazed at his peers next to him.

"I don't think I can," (Y/N) mumbled insecurely, twiddling her thumbs out of awkward habit.

"Of course, you can!" Carmen encouraged with a weak smile. "My ancient magic first came to fruition when I fought the troll in Hogsmeade on my first day. I was put in a dangerous situation which seems to have triggered the onset. It makes sense that yours would do the same. You just need to put yourself in that circumstance."

(Y/N) frowned as fear dawned. "What if mine is different?" She objected, but her defence was futile.

Carmen rolled their eyes in mild annoyance. "There's only one way to find out, isn't there~" They sang, their lips pursed into a thin straight line and their brows raised. They circled around (Y/N) and placed their hands on her shoulders, giving them an encouraging squeeze. "Just give it a shot! All of us are here to help if anything goes wrong."

"Yeah! We'll protect you. I'm rather good at this stuff if you weren't aware." Sebastian bragged with a smug smirk, straightening his back to seem even more capable.

(Y/N) looked at him with the same nervous gaze, not at all comforted by their words, although she did appreciate them. Spellcasting was never her forte by any means. She was a far more academic wizard, opting for History of Magic and Divination over Defence Against the Dark Arts. She was hesitant, nervous, and frankly scared of any charm she attempted to perform. She considered herself a rather lousy witch as she often used her hands for a task rather than using the spectacular magical tool at her disposal.

"I'm just..." She found her words stuck in her throat as she spoke. She could barely hear the sound of the forest with her heartbeat pounding like a drum in her ears. Even with this newfound companionship with the Slytherins, she was still the nervous little badger she always was. She wanted to run; flee from the cunning snakes that made her feel so small with inadequacy.

She did not give in to the fear, however. There was a determined drive that trembled with power beneath the layers of insecurity. She had to push through. For Anne.

"I'm not very good at duelling." She admitted. Her voice seemed firmer now, her shaky hands now still, and her breathing now calm.

Ominis gave her a sympathetic look, sensing her hesitancy more than anyone. "Just as Carmen said, we will be here if anything goes wrong. I may not be entirely helpful, but I do offer my encouragement. And I'm certain the other two are skilled in the art of defence and will not let you get hurt. I assure you that you are safe in their hands." His words were soft and calm.

Her mind was filled with a formless dread, but the wave passed and she suddenly felt at ease. (Y/N) smiled at him, feeling a layer of fright melt away within her. "Thank you, Ominis." She breathed. Her gaze shifted to Carmen who gave her yet another encouraging look. (Y/N) inhaled deeply and pulled out her wand. "Okay," She nodded firmly.

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