Sebastian Sallow | Winter Ball

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(Y/N) slipped into the Great Hall swiftly after having woken up late. She sped across the hallway and down through the tables, her eyes darting for the familiar face she relied on so much. She visibly relaxed at the appearance of her friend.

"Poppy!" (Y/N) beamed as she rushed around the head of the table and placed herself right at the end, closest to the professor's table and opposite the brunette.

Poppy smiled happily at (Y/N). "Hey! I was wondering where you were." She hummed as she bit into her butter-soaked crumpet.

"I slept in." (Y/N) replied bashfully. She leaned over the table and grabbed the pot of coffee, pouring it straight into the goblet rather than grabbing herself a mug. Poppy raised a brow at her in amusement but said nothing. "I haven't missed anything, have I?" She wondered as she eyed the professors eating their breakfast.

Poppy shook her head. "Nope. But I think Black is going to say something soon. Weasley has got her mentoring face on - probably making sure he won't say anything too insulting."

"A difficult task." (Y/N) laughed, sipping the coffee and proceeding to cringe considering she hadn't added anything to it but she made no effort to improve the bitter taste. "I wonder what she's prepping him for." (Y/N) mused. "Nothing is happening right?"

Poppy shrugged. "No clue. Christmas is coming up so maybe it's something to do with that."

(Y/N) nodded as she listened to her friend. "Maybe!" She responded in agreement. "Maybe we're doing something different this year. That'd be fun!"

Poppy contemplated the idea. "Makes sense." She finished her crumpet but immediately grabbed another one, slathering it with butter. "People are going home soon."

"Three weeks! I can't wait." (Y/N) sighed. "I'll miss you though!" She added hastily.

Poppy giggled. "I'm sure you will. I'm excited too! I miss my grandmother."

"I miss your grandmother too." (Y/N) sighed dreamily and dramatically. Ever since Second Year, (Y/N) had spent at least a week at Poppy's home in the summer where Poppy's grandmother had warmed up to her instantly. "Best toad in the hole I've ever had..."

Poppy laughed with a roll of her eyes. "It's not any different from the one here."

"It's made with love, Poppy! Love!" (Y/N) exclaimed, followed by a boisterous laugh.

The two were interrupted as Professor Black stood from his seat at the centre of the professor's table, rounded it, and took his stand at the owl's podium. Clearing his throat, he instantly gathered everyone's attention. He glared at the students before his eyes darted down to the cards that were undoubtedly scribbled in Professor Weasley's handwriting.

"Good morning, students," he began with the opposite of a cheery tone, "I hope you are all excited for Christmas. The festivities have already begun with December rolling in. I am happy to announce," - he did not sound happy -, "that this year the faculty at Hogwarts have decided to hold a Christmas ball for the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Year students. The younger students may enjoy other festivities laid out for them across the winter period. This Winter Ball will include dancing, drinking, and lots of fun." He flashed an awkwardly forced smile before turning away from the podium and leaving a crowd of excited students in his wake.

In his place, Professor Weasley jumped up to the podium looking equally as excited as her students. "This is going to be a lot of fun so I hope you will all attend! It will take place on the 16th of December and requires everyone to be dressed to the nines! As per tradition, I hope you will bring a date! Of course, everyone is allowed to come but won't it be fun to have a dance partner?!" She laughed. "I hope you see you all there!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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