Sebastian Sallow | Crossed Paths

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It was no doubt that (Y/N) (L/N) was popular. (Y/N) was gorgeous and she wasn't afraid to flaunt it. She was smart, courageous, kind, and outgoing. She captured the hearts of anyone she interacted with as she shot a flirtatious look to anyone who found their eyes lingering on her beautiful figure.

It was also no doubt that Sebastian Sallow was popular. He was handsome and charming; a charismatic talker that could get him out of any trouble no matter the severity. He too was a hopeless flirt who would send a charming smile in the direction of anyone who looked at him for more than a few seconds, effectively sending their hearts into flutter.

The biggest doubt was that the two had not slept with each other. Both (Y/N) and Sebastian were notorious for sleeping around the student body (literally and physically), shamelessly bedding anyone they found attractive. So how was it possible that they had not crossed paths?

"What?!" Poppy exclaimed with wide astonished eyes as she and (Y/N) left Herbology.

"I don't know how it's so shocking." (Y/N) scoffed, rolling her eyes at her cheerful friend who had a very different outlook on romance than her.

"I just cannot believe this!" Poppy continued to bellow in surprise. "How? How have you and Sebastian not been together?"

"I don't understand why that's even a question?" (Y/N) sighed.

The difference between the two girls was stark. While Poppy walked hunched with her books hugged to her chest, (Y/N) walked tall with her back straight and her head high. (Y/N) exuded confidence from her pores, her pretty smile sending anyone to the floor in a love-sick melt.

"It's just... you know..." Poppy fell into an awkward mumble, muttering jargon to herself like a confused mental patient.

(Y/N) looked at her for a moment with judgemental eyes. "I know what?" (Y/N) knew what she meant, she just enjoyed teasing her friend who was so easily embarrassed.

"You guys are like... the most popular people in school. And..." She let out a frustrated school. "You both sleep with a lot of people - not that I'm judging you! I'm just surprised you hadn't crossed paths in your..."

"Escapades?" (Y/N) chuckled, shedding a genuine smile at her Hufflepuff companion. "I take no offence, Poppy. You know I don't care what people think."

"I know. But I don't want you to think that I don't approve or something." Poppy grumbled.

(Y/N) laughed. "That's fine, I know you don't." She shot a flirtatious look at her. "You're cute when you're flustered." She teased.

Poppy shot her an irritated look. "I told you not to flirt with me!" She whined.

"Sorry!" (Y/N) held up her hands in surrender. "I can't help it." She giggled.

Poppy let out a suspicious hum but the playful look in her eyes showed she wasn't offended. In fact, (Y/N) and Poppy had played around in the bedroom just a few months prior to this exchange. It had been at a party in the Ravenclaw Tower which had resulted in them both getting rather drunk. They fooled around mildly but it never went as far as to label it as sex. They look at it with foggy memories and laugh. While (Y/N) did sleep around, Poppy was a dear friend and while she'd be open to an invitation, she knew their relationship was solely platonic and unlikely to delve into sexual territory. Despite this, cute flirting was never out of the question and it often boosted Poppy's ego.

"Where are you going now?" Poppy wondered idly as they walked through the halls to an unbeknownst destination.

"Not sure." (Y/N) shrugged. "What about you?"

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