Sebastian Sallow | For Anne - Part 1

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(Y/N) clutched to Anne with all her might, squeezing her friend like she would dissipate into thin air if she let go. Tears cascaded down her cheeks in two rivers, soaking Anne's cloak and effectively dampening the shirt she wore underneath it too.

Anne frowned as she stroked (Y/N)'s head, her fingers gently running through her locks. She too cried, but not as vigorously, only a few tears falling but most building up at her ducts. She muttered sweet nothings into (Y/N)'s ears to calm her despair, trying desperately to soothe her friend's mind.

(Y/N) pulled herself together and slowly leaned away, wiping her face harshly with clenched fists. She sniffled loudly and inhaled deeply in a weak attempt to calm herself down despite the horrible feeling in her heart and head, her vision becoming blurry with more and more tears building up.

"I'm sorry..." (Y/N) sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

Anne couldn't help but let more tears fall at her friend's reaction. She held (Y/N)'s face in her hands, her hands cupping (Y/N)'s cheeks and staring into her teary eyes. "I'm going to be okay," Anne whispered comfortingly. She leaned her forehead against (Y/N)'s. "This is all going to be okay."

Anne was sick. She was attacked near Feldcroft, her home, and she would not be returning to Hogwarts for their fourth year. Anne went downhill quickly; (Y/N) had witnessed the spurs of pain she endured very early on and it hurt her to her very core. Anne was her best friend in the whole world. On their first day in their first year, on the train to Hogwarts, they instantly connected. They were inseparable. Even when Anne had Ominis and her twin in Slytherin, she would always slink back to (Y/N) despite being in separate houses. They were the picture-perfect friendship and yet it was being ripped away from them because of Anne's illness. It hurt (Y/N) to see the most important person in the world to her in so much pain, so helpless and weak, unable to do the one thing she wanted; in Hogwarts.

"I'm gonna miss you." (Y/N) mumbled, her lip quivering. She breathed in and out smoothly, pulling herself together. "I'll write to you every day. And I'll tell you everything that is going on. All the drama, all the classes, everything." (Y/N) promised with a weak nod.

Anne laughed. "I look forward to them." She winced but held herself together for the sake of her friend. "Please promise me something..."

(Y/N) nodded.

"Keep an eye on Sebastian..." Anne asked tenderly. "He is just as affected as you but... he can be reckless... and I'm worried that he'll be out of control without me." She admitted with a worried tone.

(Y/N) had never spoken to Sebastian. Admittedly, (Y/N) was not social. In fact, she struggled immensely with those she was not familiar with. Anne was her only friend, the only person she spoke to. She was completely silent to most, some people having been in her classes for three years and never having heard her voice. She liked to isolate herself, and Anne's illness would push her further into isolation, protecting herself from everybody else. Sebastian was an extrovert, very loud and boisterous. (Y/N) would keep an eye on him, yes, but she would not speak to him, just ensure he was safe.

"Okay." (Y/N) agreed. "I will." She let out a shaky breath as her heart squeezed with pain. "I'll do it for you."

Four months into their fourth year and (Y/N) was slowly deteriorating. She kept her promise and wrote to Anne every night, relaying the events of the day. She'd tell her how classes were going, along with the relationships around her. (Y/N) did not speak to anyone, uttering words only when she had to. She was stuck in her head. At first, all she could do was pray and hope for Anne's state, but with each letter, it seemed as though her condition was getting worse. St Mungo's was giving up, Nurse Blainey had given up. (Y/N) slowly found herself stuck inside her mind as she worried about Anne's health, so she started to help Anne herself instead. It began with endless reading through the library, looking at anything that was designed to help heal patients. But nothing hit the right spot; nothing touched upon the condition Anne had; sick because of dark magic. (Y/N) had at first told Anne of her endeavour, letting her know that she was researching a cure although only through the means of reading in her free time. (Y/N) was then told that Anne's twin, Sebastian, was doing the same thing. (Y/N) contemplated talking to Sebastian, but she couldn't. With every day that passed, she secluded herself more and more.

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