Sebastian Sallow | Like a Teenager Again

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(Y/N) let out a choked sob as she clung to Sebastian, her face buried in his shoulder and her arms hugging him tightly around the neck. Tears streamed down her red cheeks like rivers, hot and burning her skin.

Sebastian cried too, although he tried to hide it. Teardrops collected at the bottom of his chin, wetting (Y/N)'s hair as he rested his head on her scalp. He cradled her head to his body, his thumb gently stroking the back of it.

Seventh Year had come and gone in the blink of an eye. (Y/N) still recalled their first day so clearly, sitting on the train and dreading their last year. And now, it was all over. N.E.W.Ts had been taken, the last classes had been sat through, and hundreds of goodbyes had been said. It was over. They all moved on to their next stage of life, leaving Hogwarts behind.

"I'll write every day..." Sebastian promised with trembling words. He knew he should pull away from the hug, but couldn't bear to look at her face. Her teary eyes, her cheeks, her trembling lips; his heart had already broken once and he couldn't handle another crack.

"Me too." (Y/N) vigorously nodded her head against his body. "I will too." Much to Sebastian's dismay, she was the one to pull away from the hold as the final bell sounded across the platform, alerting everyone to board.

"Merlin, I don't want you to go." Sebastian hiccupped. He rubbed his eyes roughly as he sniffled in a desperate attempt to pull himself together, which was not working.

(Y/N) cracked a shaky and painful smile. "Me neither." She breathed out a shallow breath.

Sebastian and (Y/N) had been inseparable since Fifth Year despite the hellish year itself. Sebastian had taken his uncle's life, destroyed his relationship with his twin, and explored dark paths he wished he never had. (Y/N) lost her mentor, Professor Fig, with the weight of the wizarding world on her shoulders. Ominis had detached himself from both of them in a fit of fear and horror at what they had done. The year was filled with pain, grief, guilt, and torment.

Sixth Year began with a rocky start. Sebastian and Ominis' friendship seemed irreparable. They were broken to their cores. (Y/N) and Sebastian couldn't bear to look at one another after what they had witnessed. (Y/N) felt nothing but hate after the death of Professor Fig, and Sebastian felt empty without the presence of his sister, no longer speaking with her indefinitely. However, by February of their sixth year, they'd made up (admittedly after a gruelling few months of horrible words, horrible fights, and horrible feelings). Sebastian had mended his relationship with Ominis too, in June of the same year, after slowly making amends for his mistakes.

However, despite their reformed trio, they were going in different directions, and separating once again.

Ominis bid goodbye to the two just days before - which was nightmarish enough and filled with sorrow - to travel to Sweden to pursue a life of writing. He adored reading despite his disability and dreamt of a life as an author.

(Y/N) was headed to the Ministry of Magic to become an Auror along with Natsai and several other Hogwarts graduates this year. She had an amazing power. She would not let it go to waste. She wanted to help people. She needed to help people.

Sebastian did not have a dream like his two friends. He would not be joining (Y/N) on the Hogwarts Express back to London. He was still afraid of stepping anywhere near the Ministry after what he had done. He was instead heading back to Feldcroft, although Anne would not be there to greet him. She was somewhere else, but he didn't know where. She occasionally sent letters, but they were superficial, lacking any heart. She kept a hefty distance from her twin. At first, he fought it, desperately trying to find her, but he soon accepted it. He'd lost her.

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