Sebastian Sallow | Murder Mystery

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Dearest (Y/N),

It is my utmost pleasure to invite you to the biggest event of the term!

I have organised a wonderful Halloween event with twists you will not expect!

11.00 pm - The Painting of the Haitian Goddess in the West Wing

Dress Code: Arthur Conan Doyle!

Yours Truly,

Garreth Weasley

Halloween came quickly, only a few nights after (Y/N) had received the letter. (Y/N) stood in front of the mirror and eyed her costume curiously, hoping it was sufficient. She wore a deep blue gown with a floral pattern. The skirt was large with fabric bunched up at the back, creating the traditional silhouette of the women Doyle wrote about. Her collar was a deep v-neck that showed off her cleavage nicely, complemented by ruffles to heighten the class. It was a beautiful gown that (Y/N) and Imelda had picked out in Hogsmeade. (Y/N) paired it with a lovely necklace with a silver gem and matching earrings. She wore elbow-length black gloves to match the darkness of the dress, and to pair with heels, although they were shielded by the heaping skirt.

(Y/N) slipped out of the Ravenclaw common room and headed towards the West Wing, following Garreth's instructions. She smiled and thanked every compliment she received from the various portraits strewn through the corridors. She arrived at the Haitian Goddess and grinned at her.

"Oh my, don't you look gorgeous!" The painting awed.

(Y/N) smiled bashfully. "Thank you." She curtsied.

The painting clicked open, allowing (Y/N) inside. (Y/N) stepped through and was met with a large room decorated with Halloween decorations. Jack-o-lanterns floated above her head. Orange and black banners were strewn across the walls. A large table at the right held various foods and drinks.

(Y/N)'s eyes immediately caught Sebastian who she immediately recognised was dressed as Sherlock Holmes himself. He was dressed in complete brown plaid along with a flat cap. As she got closer, she noticed he had an unlit pipe between his lips; completely committed to the look.

"Well, aren't you dashing?" She cooed as she stood next to Sebastian.

He instantly turned his head and smiled down at (Y/N). "Hello, Darling." He whispered. He threw his arm around her shoulders and placed a gentle kiss against her temple. "Might I say you are looking absolutely divine this evening?" He complimented swiftly.

(Y/N) grinned at his words. "You may." She laughed. She turned her head and kissed his lips softly, grasping his chin slightly before leaning away and looking into his eyes lovingly.

"(Y/N)! You arrived!" A cheerful voice sounded. Poppy came barrelling towards the two. "How are you?" She enveloped (Y/N) in a warm hug. "I have already had something to drink." She giggled.

"I can tell." (Y/N) jested. "And I will follow! Lead the way." She followed Poppy over to the table and poured herself a drink, observing the others who had been invited. There were not as many people as she had assumed; at least not as many as Garreth's usual party. "Where's Garreth?" (Y/N) pondered.

"Oh, he's dead on the floor, over there?" Poppy pointed into a crowd.

(Y/N)'s brows furrowed. "I'm sorry?"

"He's playing dead on the floor." Poppy sighed. She grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and pulled her through a group of people to find Garreth on the floor, blood oozing from his head.

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