Garreth Weasley | Lost in the Meadow

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"-And you must be on your best behaviour, (Y/N). I am well aware of your academic grades and your prowess in your classes, but I must reiterate the importance of your family name. The Blacks hold a great deal of power in this school and the wizarding world and I wouldn't want anything or anyone to tarnish such a reputation. I am the headmaster of this school and having my niece running havoc across the school will not be tolerated. You represent this family in more ways than one. You are the future of this name and you must carry it with utmost pride and precision."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. She'd been victim to this speech for six years now. It changed vaguely every year, but the notion was always the same. She held the Black family name and she must hold it with pride for she is what the future will see for the family.

(Y/N) sank into her chair as her uncle continued to speak. She let out a soft sigh that went unheard beneath the meaningless words. He continued to speak but never said anything of importance; it was the same point over and over with interchangeable words as if he was reading off of a thesaurus in front of him. He paced back and forth in front of her, his head high, his nose pointed upwards. He kept his gaze looking up but would, every now and then, cast a harsh look downwards on (Y/N), his head turning sharply.

"Therefore, you must present yourself well. Sit up straight. Speak eloquently. Do not associate yourself with the likes of those below you." (Y/N) frowned deeply. "Do you understand, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) looked up at him with distasteful eyes, fighting back a horrid remark that would surely get her a slap across the cheek. "I understand, Phineas." She sneered. She leaned her head back on the chair she sat on, relaxing casually and defying what he had just told her.

Professor Black tutted loudly. "You will not address me in such an informal way in this school." He seethed. He rounded his desk and leaned upon it with his hands, looking at her with a deadly stare that made her feel unnerved; she did not show it, however, continuing to look back at him lazily.

"Would you prefer uncle?" She raised a cheeky brow, smirking at the irked look on his face. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fully control her. She was a rogue spirit.

Black's expression hardened with irritation. His gaze turned into a deathly glare which prompted (Y/N) to straighten in her seat slightly. "I am Professor Black. I am headmaster of this school. I am authority and you will respect my position." He said each sentence with perfect pronunciation, ending with a stern period at the end of each one.

(Y/N) inhaled deeply, averting her gaze, pursing her lips. "Right." She mumbled under her breath. "May I leave now?" She dared to look back at him, and this time, did not waver under his fierce look.

He stared at her for a moment. He pressed his tongue against the top of his mouth, fighting back something harsh, before standing straight and gesturing to the door. "Yes. Leave." He said nothing kind. Nothing normal families would say.

(Y/N) stood up sharply, forcefully scraping the chair against the expensive floorboards below. She turned away from him and swiftly exited his office; the office she'd spent many, many hours in over the years. She was reprimanded in there. Congratulated in there. She'd even slept in there one night in fourth year when her uncle was away at the Ministry of Magic and she wanted to sleep somewhere other than her dormitory. She headed down the stone stairs briskly, passed through the Trophy Room, and down more stairs into the main Hogwarts building.

The sun was setting, slowly pulling light from the castle grounds, keeping it for the next morning. (Y/N) had no destination in mind, she moved without a thought, her head completely blank. She focused on the tap of her shoes on the marble floors.

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