Ominis Gaunt | The Gaunt Manor - Part 2

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(Y/N) felt her heart stammer at the amount of people in the room, all looking eerily similar to the next. They were all ungodly pale, as if they hadn't stepped outside in months. Many had bright blonde hair, others with slightly darker hair, and a few with brown. From what she could see, blue and green were the prominent eye colours amongst the crowd. Their features were all similar too, sharp and defined, like Ominis'. Although it begged the question that there must be partners of the adults that weren't directly related to Ominis, and yet they also wore the same features - (Y/N) tried not to let her mind delve into that mystery too far.

"Ominis!" A high voice called, gathering their attention and directing everyone's eyes on the youngest Gaunt son. "I have missed you, my boy! Why don't you ever write to your poor mother?" She whined, although the volume of her words and the emphasis seemed as though she was speaking to the crowd rather than her own son. She leaned and hugged Ominis, but it was remarkably stiff and Ominis visibly stiffened at the touch of his mother.

(Y/N) looked at him sympathetically as his eyes hardened, his jaw clenching.

"And Sebastian!" She greeted with a plastered-wide smile that almost looked crazy. "You have grown so much! So much taller than I remember! Where is Anne?" Ominis' mother prodded.

Sebastian tensed at her words. "At home. She's sick." Sebastian answered minimally.

"And you must be (Y/N)!" Her eyes left Sebastian as soon as she asked the question, clearly not caring for the answer. "Ominis told us of your arrival." She grinned evilly, shaking (Y/N) to her core. "Please, come and meet my family." She placed her hand on (Y/N)'s bare shoulder and began to guide her through the crowd of Gaunt relatives and to two leather sofas placed by the fire. No one sat on them leaving them unmarked and seamless. Ominis' mother guided (Y/N) to the sofa and pressed her shoulder to make her sit. (Y/N) was stiff and tense as she sat, her back up straight and not daring to lean on the back.

"I must introduce myself." She smiled. Her eyes seemed vacant like there was nothing behind them. "I'm Alyvia Gaunt, Ominis' mother. My husband is Castor Gaunt, as I'm sure you know," (Y/N) didn't, "my sons," She paused as she looked around the room. "Marvolo! Come here!" She beckoned. "This is my son, Marvolo." She smiled, gesturing to a tall young man. Marvolo took a seat next to his mother and eyed (Y/N) viciously as if he could see right through her. She shifted in her seat uncomfortably."My other son, Valor, is somewhere around her-"

"He's in the garden with Father." Marvolo answered quietly, his eyes never leaving (Y/N). He flashed her a dangerous smile.

"This is (Y/N), Ominis' friend." Alyvia smiled. She grinned at her son, looking at him proudly as he eyed (Y/N) down.

"Pleasure." Marvolo purred like a predator eyeing its prey.

(Y/N) inhaled sharply, holding her breath as she felt fear run down her spine.

Sebastian joined her soon after, taking a seat next to her and offering her a sympathetic look.

"Sebastian!" Marvolo greeted. "How long it has been..." He mumbled. His eyes still had not left (Y/N) and she was beginning to feel nauseous. "How are you this Christmas?" He asked.

"Very well." Sebastian nodded stiffly.

"And your Christmas, (Y/N)?" He said her name like a hex, like a statement, like a possession.

"Lovely." She smiled painfully. "And yours?" She asked politely.

"Lovely, as well," Marvolo whispered. She was surprised she could hear him over the noise of the crowd. "Even lovelier now that I've seen your face."

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