Ominis Gaunt | Locked Out

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"Ominis," (Y/N) breathed. Her face felt hot. Her heart was palpitating rapidly in her ears. The world felt silent and unbelievably loud at the same time. She gulped. "Are you alright?" She wondered. Her voice was meek and quiet.

Ominis remained in the threshold for a second. He was silent. He thought intently before answering. "Sebastian thought it best that we speak in private." Ominis was tentative, nervous; (Y/N) could tell.

(Y/N) nodded but she was cautious, "is he going to be alright by himself?" She asked. She leaned up on her toes and peeked around Ominis, trying to catch a glimpse of Sebastian in the darkness.

"He's gone to get food," Ominis assured. He knew exactly what she was doing even if he could not see her. She was always a worrier.

"He'll be safe?" She asked, looking at Ominis with a frown.

Ominis chuckled. "Sebastian can take care of himself. He's not afraid to use his wand if he needs to."

"I guess that's how he's going to get food without money." (Y/N) chuckled. She stepped away from the gap in the door and allowed Ominis back into the warmth. She inhaled deeply at his smell; a minty tea she so desperately wanted to drink. She smiled as he walked past, closing the door behind him and trapping the heat inside.

"I'm sorry I lashed out," Ominis sighed as he stepped into the cabin. (Y/N) shut the door behind him, locking the heat in and expelling the cold air out. "I'm very tense."

(Y/N) nodded. "I understand." She breathed.

"No, no." Ominis opposingly shook his head. He took a deep breath once again; this put (Y/N) on edge. "I know this is a tough time, but neither you nor Sebastian have acted as immature as I. I have no right to be so... pissy."

(Y/N) smiled at the phrase, the same word she had used at the train station. That was only a few hours ago but given everything that had happened, it felt like days. "That's alright, Ominis. It's a hard time for anyone, no less someone who can't see what's going on. You're in a strange place in a situation that shouldn't be happening. I know how stressed you get when you don't know what's going on." (Y/N) said knowingly.

Ominis smiled again. His head dropped slightly, his features softening. "You always know exactly how I feel." He murmured, so quiet that (Y/N) barely caught it with the sound of the wind outside.

(Y/N) chuckled at his words. "I know you well, Ominis. You're the person I... love the most." She struggled to say the words, but once she climbed over the hill of hesitancy, they escaped her lips like smooth, fresh rivers. They were the words she had wanted to utter for so long, but insecurity, fear, and paranoia had all held her back. She felt a heavy weight lifted off of her chest as the syllables tumbled out of her. She looked at Ominis unwaveringly. She refused to shy away from her feelings any longer.

Ominis froze, but not for very long. He took a step forward and grasped (Y/N)'s hand in his. "I hope you realise what those words mean to me." He muttered. His voice remained at the low octave, whispering sincerely to her. Hers were the only ears Ominis wished to hear his words.

(Y/N) felt butterflies take flight within her. "I don't." She prompted. She teased him like nothing had changed - nothing had changed.

Ominis squeezed her hand. "That word makes me feel like I can see," Ominis confessed.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened.

"You make me feel like nothing is wrong. Like nothing is at fault. Nothing could ever be a hindrance because your presence makes everything perfect. I yearn for nothing more. Nothing more than for you to stay... with me." Ominis gradually got louder with each sentiment, feeling more and more confident with every word that escaped his lips.

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