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Lux wakes up to being held under a blanket. Shit, is she being kidnapped? Is Louis murdering her? Fuck! She fucking knew it! Louis is a fucking serial killer - his smile is way too sweet. She is pissed off, but also relieved that he is not a shrink - she respects him for it. Bastard. She tries to free herself but Louis holds her tighter. "Stop, and shut the fuck up. We have landed and they just told us first class is getting off first. Austin is heading straight toward us," Louis whispers then she hears Austins laugh then freezes. Shit. She fucking hopes Louis kills her now.

"Hey, man you good?" she hears Austin ask suddenly. Shit. Shit. Shit. "Yeah, thanks. My girl is crazy, I need to wake her up carefully or she will be everyone's problem," Louis says. Austin laughs loudly. Why does he not just mind his own fucking business? "I had one of those once. She was a fucking handful - but the sex was out of this world so it was worth it," he says. Louis laughs then groans when Lux digs her long sharp nails into his thigh. "Hey, just a question - ever had sex as good again," Louis asks, his voice slightly strained. Austin laughs then she hears him whisper, "Never. I fucking still dream about it, man."

It's quiet after that and then Louis pulls the blanket off her. "What the fuck, Louis?" Lux says standing up in a huff. "You are welcome - now you know you were the best sex he ever had," Louis says standing too and taking their bags out of the overhead compartment. "He could have been talking about some other crazy bitch," Lux says as they walk slowly out of the plane, she wants to put as much distance between her and Austin as possible. "Somehow I think if I ask any of your exes they would all say you are the craziest bitch they know - call it intuition," Louis laughs. "Let's just call it bullshit," Lux says pulling out her phone from behind a pillar. "What color is your bag, I'll get it," Louise offers. She describes her bag and then pulls up the email from Demi with the hotel on it. "I am staying at the Free Ocean resort," she says when Louis gets back to her.

"Lux, it's fate - I am staying there too."

"Fate or a clever marketing ploy to get newlyweds to flock to their doors?" Lux asks following Louis out to a line of cabs. They head off to the resort and Lux finally relaxes. She has avoided Austin, now that's fucking fate! They pull up to the resort and Lux has to do a double take. It fucking huge - like a city on its own. "Biggest resort in Thailand," Louis snorts at her shocked face. "Fate my fucking ass," Lux grumbles as they walk into the main entry. They are offered a drink by hotel staff as soon as they step in so Lux hands her bags to Louis and takes four. She holds three to her chest with one arm while sipping one as they walk up to the reception. "First time in a nice place?" Louis asks as they check in and wait for their room keys.

"I like free shit and now I need a piss," Lux says as she starts on the fourth drink - she may be self-medicating before she runs into her family. She heads to the bathroom and in her haste or haze - whatever you want to call it - and runs into a big man. She freezes when at first she thinks it's Austin, he certainly looks like Austin but he is much older and his long thick beard is turning grey. "Careful there miss," he says reaching out to steady her. "Sorry," she says taken aback a bit by how much he sounds like Austin - what the fuck was in those drinks?  Is she losing her mind?  Is she going to see Austin in every fucking person? "You ok there?" the man asks, concern streaked across his face.

"Yeah...just a long flight," she says. "Well, now that you are here get some rest," he says with a smile and walks off. He has a kind smile, the same kind smile as Austin. What the fuck is going on? Before she can think too much about it Louis is on her and yanking her behind a huge plant. "What the fuck, Lou?" she breathes out trying to stop her head from spinning.

"He is here!"



"What!" Lux peeps around the plant and sure enough, the sleazy fucking bastard is standing at the reception. Harry, Shawn, Pete, and Dre are all standing around him like little pets. It's pathetic. She ducks behind the plant again when Austin pulls his phone out of his pocket and makes a beeline for the potted plant. "I think he saw us. He is headed this way, fuck," Lux hisses. "Brace yourself," Louis warns.

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