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They run into the dining room to the sound of Louis dry heaving. Jessica and Louis are standing in front of a table with a selection of plates in front of them and they both look a little green. Lux doesn't have time to look at what's on the plates because Austin pulls her to another table that has a resort staff waiting for them. "Hi," she says smiling a little too brightly. "Hey," Austin greets her back. "Alright!" she says and uncovers four dishes on the table. "Bird saliva, fish ice cream, spider, and then...ox testicles," she points to each dish. "One team member has to take a bite from each dish. You have to swallow before moving on to the next dish," she says. She sounds very excited about this.

"Luxie...I...I can't do this shit..." Austin says gagging a little when he looks at the ox testicles. Lux rolls her eyes and picks up the bird saliva, taking a gulp - it is slimy and tastes like shit. She shudders as it goes down then shows her empty mouth to the lady. She does the same with the fish ice cream, she gags a little on that one. The spider is hairy and gets stuck in her teeth, she has to grab the front of Austin's shirt and stamp her foot as she tries to force it down. The ox testicles are chewy - like bubblegum. While chewing she looks over and sees Louis still trying to sike himself up to eat the spider. Lux swallows and turns back to show the lady her empty mouth, grabbing the envelope as she holds it up.

She looks at Austin who is staring at her with his mouth hanging open. "You will just shove anything in there, won't you?" he says, impressed. "Well, I have had your cock and balls in my mouth - my taste buds are dead," she says ripping the envelope open. "She likes my cock and balls," Austin says to the resort lady when she gasps. "Debatable," Lux mumbles as she unfolds the paper.

Brilliant gold scales flash
Shifting and shining
Teeth and claws of purest white

She flies in and out
Around and about
The sun of our earth
The center of our city, her playground.

"Who the fuck wrote these clues? Your Dad? Your entire family is a pain in my ass Austin! What the fuck is this supposed to mean?" Lux groans and burps up what she thinks may be the fish ice cream. "I don't know, but the center of our city is a good clue. Let's head there and work out the rest in the cab. What do you think?" Austin asks. "You...want my help?" she asks. Austin never asked for her opinion in the past. "Yes. Hurry up, what do you think? Louis is on that spider and Demi is shoving shit in her mouth like you did...is that a family thing?" Austin asks looking at Demi. "Yes. You should see what my grandmother can shove in her mouth," Lux says, Austin screws up his face and follows Lux out of the dining room.

They rush to the resort entrance, but Lux grinds to a halt when she sees a small golden dragon statue on a table near the entrance, she grabs a flyer from the table and meets Austin outside as he pulls open a cab door. They tumble into the back seat and she holds the flyer in front of his face triumphantly. "Hai Leng Ong Statue - Golden Dragon Monument," he reads. "Take us here please," he says passing the flyer to the cab driver. "You are a fucking legend, Luxie," he says leaning over and cupping her cheeks, pulling her in for a kiss. But just before their lips touch he stops and pulls a disgusted face.

"You had ox balls and a spider in your mouth...I can't do it," he says pushing her away. Lux's mouth drops open - she is fucking offended. She slings her leg over him and straddles him grabbing fist fulls of his beard. "You will fucking kiss me and you will like it!" she hisses smashing their lips together. Austin grunts, trying to get her off him but it only forces her to deepen the kiss. He eventually relents with a chuckle and kisses her back. The cab driver starts pointing out the city sights but Austin and Lux take no notice as they continue to kiss. Lux's hand wanders down Austin's body and then to his crotch where she palms him. Austin tries to control himself but when Lux does not stop he lets out an undignified grunt, "fuck, Luxie," he groans.

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