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Lunch is on the boat and it's a buffet so as soon as it's laid out Lux stands and cuts into the line when one of her cousins, Josie, sneaks her in. "Where is Austin?" Demi comes up to her. "Sitting on the bench back there trying not to die," Lux answers.

"Partners, Lux."

"What? So now I can't eat if he doesn't?"


"That's bullshit."

"If you don't take your partnership seriously I will give you a new partner."

"I do not take my partnership seriously, give me a new partner."

"Ok. But you still need to leave the line. Uncle Kitt needs his tubes cleaned and changed. He will be your new partner," Demi says, her smile sly. Josie gags next to them. "Watch out for the slimy shit that comes out when you pull too hard on the pipe," she says and gags again. Lux looks between Demi and Josie then stamps off to Austin.

"Get up, I can't eat until you eat."

"I can't eat," Austin says looking a bit green again as he sucks on a water bottle. "Why come on the boat when you knew how sick you would get," Lux says falling on the bench next to him in a huff. "Because I know how important this is to Shawn and Demi. I am happy to put my shit aside. Lux folds her arms in front of her and looks across the boat and out to sea. It's fucking bullshit. Austin was never that thoughtful or considerate when it came to any of her shit when they were together. She supported him with everything, fuck, she spent hours in pubs while he partied with his friends even. Every time his business plans failed she was right there by his side. He didn't even bother to show up for her display event. She had always been a second thought, now here he is vomiting all over a boat.

"So I have a display up at the tattoo expo. My mentor wants to show off some of my work!" Lux says, she can't keep the excitement out of her voice. "That's fantastic, Luxie. I am proud of you," Austin says stealing one of her chicken wings and pulling her closer. "Will you come? It's this Saturday afternoon. You will be able to see all the work I have done so far. I want to show you," she says watching him devour the chicken wing and then take another. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it. I will be there, I promise," he mumbles, bbq sauce all over his lips.

For the next week, Lux gets her portfolio ready and chooses some of her best work to blow up and hang at the display. The expo is going to open so many doors for her and get a lot of new clients - it's a privilege that her mentor asked for some of her work, she has worked fucking hard for this. Most of all she is excited that Austin is going to come and she can't wait to introduce him to her mentor. She has butterflies just thinking about it. When Saturday rolls around she leaves home before Austin wakes up but she sends him a text to remind him about the expo because he has not mentioned it or asked about it all week and she didn't want to make a fuss.

The morning is busy and she gets two clients out of it. There are droves of people who compliment her clean work but her eyes continually dart around looking for Austin. By lunchtime, she caves and sends him a text but he does not reply, she would phone but she does not want to miss out on talking to potential clients. By late afternoon and another two clients signed, Austin has still not shown up so she caves and phones him. Maybe he got lost. She has to phone three times before he picks up.

"Luxie-girl!" he answers happily. She can tell he is drunk and by the loud celebrations going on in the background, she knows he is at a bar somewhere.

"Where are you?"

"At O'mallies with the boys. We are watching the football."

"Austin...you were supposed to come to my expo."

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