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"It's a doozy of a day," Louis says as Lux walks out. "Great," Lux grumbles sitting down and pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Why do you look like you were slapped in the face?" Louis asks.

"You ever did things as an immature child and now feel sick every time you think about it?"

"No. I have no faults."

Lux dives into her pitiful actions around fucking Austin's head up and getting him punched in the face to feed her bitchy ego then sits back in her chair to wait for his words of wisdom, or judgment. She will take either.

"Are you sorry you did that?"


"Would you ever do that again?"


"Well, there you go."

Lux blinks at him then frowns and sits forward.

"It's just that easy, huh? I don't owe him an apology?"

"Do you want to apologize?"

"I don't fucking know Louis! Maybe..."


"Because I am sorry for doing that to him and he deserves a fucking apology."

Louis smiles and gives a wink. Lux glares at him then sits back in her chair again. "I see what you did there. You got me to admit that I want to apologize by mind fucking me," she says. "I will add this session to your bill. You will be paying for my new car," Louis says then points to the itinerary. "Proceed, but if today does not include an acid bath I will be disappointed," she says. "Close, only more painful. Yoga, breakfast - like every day. Then a guided tour around the heart of Phuket on mopeds-"


"The city this lovely resort is situated in. You have been here for three days, Lux."


"You will have lunch in a marketplace. Austin will not be forking out for that though - lunch, you have to pay for yourself today, there is a small apology note. Then-"

"Excuse me?"

"Read it yourself if you are not listening."

"No, I mean what do you mean Austin is not forking out for it?"

"I mean as it says on the back page..." Louis says flipping to the back of the itinerary file. "There is a full page thanking Austin for paying for this entire wedding...everything. Not your bitchy attitude though, that we get for free."

Lux takes the itinerary file and reads through the acknowledgment. Austin is paying for everything - accommodation, food, drinks, activities, and even the wedding reception. Anything Demi's heart desires Austin has swiped his card happily for. Lux hands the file back to Louis then stands and grabs her bag. "You don't want to hear the rest?" Louis asks. "No," Lux mumbles walking down the steps and heading toward Austin who had just started to cross the lawn. She ignores him when she stamps past him. When she gets to the beach she throws her bag down and makes a beeline for Demi, grabbing her arm and yanking her away as Demi apologizes to Shawn for being kidnapped.

"What the fuck, Demi!?" Lux shouts when they are far enough away and hidden behind a tree. "What?" Demi asks. "Austin is paying for your whole wedding?" Lux asks. Demi rolls her eyes and nods. "He insisted. We had a whole plan. We would save for five years and then have the wedding I had always dreamed of, this one. But he insisted on paying. Said it would be his wedding gift to us and we could use the money we intended on saving as a down payment on a house. After I had planned everything and then saw how expensive it was Shawn and I decided we were just going to have a wedding in LA - would be easier on Austin's pocket - but he was not having it and insisted the wedding go ahead just as I had planned."

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