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"Alright. Jody is handing out envelopes. They hold your first riddle - do not open it till I say. The family race will find you in the resort, the city, and the hills to your left. If you are anywhere else, you are lost and you might as well throw in the towel. Rules! No internet, but you may ask for directions. Put your Cell phones in the box at my feet. At each stop you will have a task you need to complete, once done you will receive your next clue. The first team to cross the finish line wins - it's that simple. If you are still out there after 4 pm, come back - you are out of time. Don't cheat- you were raised right. Everyone got that?" Rich shouts and everyone shouts back their agreement.

"Ok, get ready. The race starts when you hear the gong, that's when you can open your envelopes," Rich says as everyone moves into position.

Now, let's run over Lux's personality real quick. The girl loves as hard as she hates. She is driven and focused, and she takes no-ones shit. Piss her off and it's best that you watch your back because she is coming for you and she will get you - no matter how long it takes. She is also a perfectionist - hence her always beautifully done intricate tattoos. She's intense. Second place is not an option for her. It's never an option for her. With that in mind -

Lux grabs Austin's arm and pushes them to the front of the group, glaring at anyone who so much as hints their annoyance at her. Once in the front, she stares Austin down who is looking at her like she is crazy, he also looks a little concerned. "Focus, I have no problem with leaving you behind. I can do shit on my own so I have no problem with cutting off any dead weight holding me back," she warns him then faces forward, slightly crouched and ready to bolt while she listens carefully for the gong. "Uh...Luxie...you ok?" Austin asks nervously. "Deadweight, Austin, dead fucking weight," she says as she focuses on the stairs in front of her, she will take them two at a time.

Louis comes up behind her and then crouches next to her. "That giant man baby might have been great at the tug of war. But out here on the streets - this is my kingdom. I am small, agile...I am like a whippit," he whispers. "I am small too and I play dirty, watch your back, Cream Puff," Lux whispers, still focused on those stairs. "You will have to catch me first," Louis whispers back. "I will catch ya and I will kill ya," Lux warns.

"They scare me," Jessica whispers from behind Louis. "Me too, Jess," Austin whispers from behind Lux. "Guys, remember this is just a friendly family game," Demi says. "Shhhh!" Lux and Louis hiss out. It goes silent after that. The silence seems to stretch on for hours and then the gong finally sounds. Lux darts forward at the same time Louis does but then suddenly Austin's arm curls around her waist, snapping her back and she watches in horror as Louis, Jessica, and most of the group rush up the stairs and disappear.

"What the fuck Austin!" Lux screams thrashing about to get out of his big dumb arms. Austin holds her to his chest and grabs her jaw. Fucking good - she had been ready to bite him. "Your tantrum is wasting our time, Luxie," he warns in her ear. She stops thrashing and goes limp.

"Put me down."

"Promise you won't bite me."

"For now. Put me down!"


"Fine! Fuck! I promise!"

Austin puts her down and she turns on him immediately. "What the fuck! You are making us lose!" she shouts.

"Really? Where were you running to?"

"The finish line!"

"Where is the finish line?"

"I don't fucking know!"

"I do," Austin says holding up the envelope. "Oh...ok I will give you this one - clever man," Lux says grabbing the envelope and ripping it open. "You and your fucking instruction manuals," she mumbles as she unfolds the paper inside.

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