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At 6 pm and seven missed calls from Demi and one from her mother, she rolls out of bed and gets dressed. She checks the itinerary and dinner says casual dress, but she has to wear that stupid Stetson so she shoves it on her head and walks out her door. "What the fuck is that?" Louis says from his patio. "You look like a fucking idiot," he adds.

"This coming from the man watching a romantic sunset on his honeymoon all alone?"

"Below the belt - but tuoché," Louis says lifting his cocktail. "Hey, this whole wedding shit is crammed with family shit. I don't want to suffer alone, wanna put that co-dependant relationship to the test?"

"Not particularly, no."

"You selfish bastard. I had to listen to you weep like a schoolgirl all afternoon and I didn't bang on the wall once to shut you up."

"This is a co-dependant relationship with a sprinkling of 'I don't give a fuck' in it. Go away now so I can wallow in self-pity, Lux."

"Want me to bring you back a meal?"

"Yeah. Steak. A big one. My ex was a vegan - we were vegans."

"Again, you didn't see the psychotic signs before slapping a ring on it?"

"I did. I just ignored them...love is blind and all that shit."

"Love is stupid and so are you!" Lux throws over her shoulder as she walks away. The restaurant is not at the resort so she has to grab a cab and make a twenty-minute trip into town. It's a nice drive except for Demi's constant ringing. She gets to the restaurant at 6:30 pm, groaning when she sees a stressed-looking Demi standing outside on her phone. "I am here, Demi," Lux says climbing out of the cab. "Lux!" Demi squeals and then bursts into tears as she flings her arms around Lux. Oh, she was not expecting that. "Demi...are you ok?" Lux asks softly. "It's just been so stressful and you have always been there for me. You always kept me calm so with you not around I have been a bit of a mess," Demi sniffles into Lux's shoulder.

Lux feels like shit with a side of guilt. She and Demi had been close once - Lux pulled away to deal with her shit and left Demi to fend for herself over the years. It's a bit fucked up. It's also annoying that a six-month relationship that had disaster written all over it from the start has left such a huge impact on her life - that's another reason to hate Austin, fucking asshole. "Look, I am here now and I am all yours for the next week. Ok?" Lux says softly. "I know. It's not on the itinerary, but I have an activity just for you and me, and one with my fiancee and our immediate families - I want you to like him. He is the best!" Demi says with a big smile now as she pulls Lux into the restaurant. Great, Lux can't express how super duper excited she is about that.

The restaurant is packed. Demi had booked the whole thing out and with their family and Demi's fiancee's family, there must be close to seventy people milling around. "Finally," Lux's mom says as she walks up to her. "Hey mum," she says hugging her. A few aunts and uncles and a sprinkling of cousins come over and pat her back - she is not a hugger so they know to limit their physical contact with her. She hugs Demi and her mom because Demi has no boundaries and her mom broke her vagina bringing her into the world so the occasional hug is only fair.

"You had your sister stressed out, Lux," her mother chastises her. Lux looks at her with raised brows. "So...just Lux being Lux then?" her grandmother comes up beside her with a glass of wine the size of a basketball. "Hey, Lori," Lux says to her grandmother. She would die if any of her grandchildren called her Gran. "Could you be nice and social for once - this is important to Demi," her mom says. Lux rolls her eyes and shrugs - it's easier than getting into a heated argument with her.

"Come on, come meet my soon-to-be hubby!" Demi says dragging her away and deeper into the restaurant. Lux's stomach drops though when she suddenly hears that fucking laugh. What the fuck is Austin doing here? Trust him to gate crash a fucking party he has no business being at. What the fuck is she supposed to do now?  She sticks close to Demi and looks around carefully, the restaurant is crowded and dimly lit so she can't see much. "Oh!  Rich!" Demi says suddenly and Lux turns her head to see who she is calling. Oh, fuck off. It's the old guy from the reception that she had run into. Demi is marrying a man older than their mother?  No wonder the wedding is rushed.

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