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Lunch is great but only because everyone throws Louis a million questions while Lux watches with a smile on her face. He says he is not happy - he repeats this a few times. But, Lux sees him hide a smile. Her family are fucking crazy and Austin's only add to the insanity - but they are nice people and even though Lux hates to admit it, it's hard being pissed off when everyone is constantly laughing.

"Ok! This morning was exhilarating and we need to all chill so go get changed into your costumes and meet out by the busses in an hour - it's time to go relax our muscles," Demi announces. "I have my costume in my bag," Lux says not intending on moving off her chair. "I don't, come with me to get mine," Austin says. Lux rolls her eyes and then complains about him being a baby and needing a babysitter in his ridiculous room until he grabs her and pushes her against the wall in his room. "Will you stop running your mouth? I have had my swim trunks on all day," he says. Lux looks down. "Well would you look at that, so you do...why did we come here?" she asks. She knows.

Austin smirks and sinks to his knees in front of her. Grabbing her hips and looking up at her.

"Question...how often did you finish when I fucked you back in the day?"

"I always finished."

"Mhmm. I'll be more specific then. How often did I make you finish? Because I know you faked it a lot."

"How do you know I faked it?"

"Because you never reacted to me like you did last night, and don't say it's because we are older."

Lux bites her lip and grimaces. It's bad. Her answer will embarrass him. A small white lie won't harm any - can't change the past right? She opens her mouth to lie to him.

"And don't you fucking lie to me?"

"You are very bossy."


"Fine! Gees!" she says placing her hands on either side of his neck. "More times than not. I would finish myself off when you slept or went for a smoke after."

Austin groans and buries his head in her stomach, "fucking hell," she hears him mumble. He had never cared back then. Sex had not been bad per se, she had liked sleeping with Austin - but it had been very one-sided. She had been so in love with him that she had settled for whatever he gave her. They had also both been stupid.

"Hey," she says pulling his face up to look at her, "we were both young, dumb, selfish, and stupid. You never made me feel uncomfortable in bed, you were loving...just-"

"Nineteen and a selfish bastard."


"You still doing tests?"

"Yes. You failed today by the way."

"Well tell me if I pass this test..."

Austin undoes the buttons on her shorts and then slides them off. She squeaks when he takes her right leg and hitches it over his shoulder then slides his left hand under the swell of her ass and squeezes slightly as he licks into her softly. His tongue is like a magic wand, switching between soft and hard, flat or pointed as he makes circles around her clitoris and occasionally teases it with a quick flick. Lux tries, but she can stop her groaning as her breathing labors.

It's a fucking circus down there.

She squeaks again when he suddenly lifts her, grabbing her other leg and putting it over his shoulder too, burying his face between her thighs - his swirling tongue never stuttering. Fuck, he is good at that. She moans when his tongue dips into her entrance and her hands go to the top of his head, grabbing his hair in her fingers. She can feel the beginnings of her orgasm forming as her muscles start pulsing. Austin's tongue is unforgiving and it never fucking stops.

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