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Lux can't stand, she can't breathe either. Her stomach hurts and her cheeks feel like they have been slapped. She had known this was going to be good but she had not known how good.

Louis is a horrible dancer.

Worse than Austin. Worse than her uncle Max and the man is dead. Louis looks like he is having a seizure every time he lifts a leg or an arm and twice now Dre has stopped the music because no one can take Louis seriously, especially when he frowns in concentration. "This is not working!" Dre shouts in frustration. "Why can't you just speeches like normal people?" Louis asks. "Or change the song, it makes me want to claw my eyes out," he adds. "Memories, Cream puff. I hope everyone takes lots of photos!" Jessica squeals excitedly. Lux stops laughing and looks at Louis with her mouth dropped open. Cream puff? "Shut up, Lux," Louis warns. Lux would throw him a million insults but she has started laughing again.

"Ok. I think we should call it a night. We are not getting anywhere - Lux can't stop laughing and to be honest it creeps me out a little. Louis can't dance for shit and the rest of the boys are more interested in that box of beers than their steps," Petra says. "I can not work under these conditions!" Dre shouts and storms off. "How about you take Louis and practice some dance steps, maybe he will be better tomorrow," Hailey suggests to Jessica. "No can do, I intend on drowning myself in the sea tonight," Louis says as Jessica takes his hand and starts tugging him away. Everyone packs up and starts heading off so Lux stands and looks over at Austin who is sitting on a rock, sucking on a beer.

"You not into romantic shit, huh? Sweet cooking moments, pet names, candle-lit dinners..." Austin says.

"I find it cheezy...a little uncomfortable actually."

"Bullshit. Everyone likes a little romance."

"I don't see you breaking out all the romance bullshit."

"You wanna see romance?"


"Too late," Austin says standing. He presses play on the radio Dre had left and flicks through a few songs. He stands when Unchained Melody comes on then turns and looks at her with a grin. She rolls her eyes and glares at him.

"That does nothing for you?"


Austin smirks taking a sip of his beer and shaking his head. "I think you are full of shit, Luxie," he says. He walks closer slowly and she battles to bite her smile back when he mouths some of the words as he walks. "You picked the worst fucking song, Austin," she groans. He ignores her, taking her hand and looping it around his neck then taking her other hand in his while he pulls her closer by the waist. He sways them softly to the ridiculous song and even though she fully intends to remain rigid - her legs betray her and she sways softly with him.

"Now if I had to pull out the big guns I would say some cheezy shit like...dancing with you out here under the stars is like dancing in a dream. The way your hair sways softly in the breeze and your eyes glow under the moonlight makes me want to never wake up," Austin whispers as they continue to sway. Lux gives up on trying to hide her smile, she can't help it. "Careful there, Luxie, you might have me thinking romance is not lost on you," he whispers. She rolls her eyes and hides her face in his chest. It's nice, but she will never admit it.

They sway slowly to the rest of the song but don't stop when it comes to an end. They continue through two more cheezy love songs as Lux rests her head on his shoulder while he holds her, almost hypnotized by that gentle sway. "You never showed any interest in romancing me before," she whispers.

"I was nineteen and didn't know what the fuck I was doing."

"You got me flowers once."

"And it landed up in a fight because you wanted to know what I was hiding?"

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