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She is still trying to wrap her head around him. His actions are so grown up, he has become a man and knows what he is doing. It's insane how attentive he is, but even more insane as to how well he knows her body. As if he studied it. With every kiss and soft touch, she feels like she melts a little more. He is soft but rough. Wild, but calm - he is Austin, and part of her hurts knowing that if she had just given him time she would not have spent the last ten years filled with anger and hating him.

"You are zoning out on me," he whispers from above her. He has her on her back, settled between her thighs with his thick strong arms bracketing her head. She can feel him resting on the crease of her hip - thick and heavy.

"You have grown up so much."

"It's been ten years, Luxie."

"I know...but people don't always grow up as much as you do. You seem older, wiser...maturer."

"I am. I learned some hard lessons. Had my heart broken...I loved hard...it changes a person. You changed too, I can see that."

"I feel like you would hear me now...when I speak. You would see me."

Austin's eyes search her face, she can see they are sad and full of regret from the past. They hurt each other so much. "I always saw you, baby..." he whispers, dipping his head and catching her lips in his softly then trailing his lips across her jaw and down her neck. He pulls back and moves into a kneel between her legs, resting his hands on her bended knees. "I saw you, but I didn't understand..." he says softly, sliding his hands down her thighs slowly then over her hips and up her stomach. "I was too immature to understand what I had in you, " he whispers, his hands making their way to her breasts, cupping them and running his thumbs over her nipples - they harden immediately at his touch.

"You were elegant, graceful, and more beautiful than any woman I had ever spoken to. As if you had stepped out of a catalog," he whispers, his eyes trained on hers as he slides his hands back down her stomach then resting them just above her vagina. "You were smart. Keeping up with you in a conversation gave me anxiety," he whispers, slipping his thumb between her folds and rubbing small circles causing her to sigh softly. "I would google shit, try and research a topic so I could match your intelligence. You never tried to make me feel dumb - but I did. It was intimidating. You were so young but you were a real lady," he says increasing the pressure of his thumb before wetting two fingers and just breaching her entrance. Her breath hitches at the promise his fingers make.

"You made everything look good, even the couch when you sat on it. You were good at everything you did. You were perfect. I could not match it so I found fault," he says then plunges his fingers into her causing her back to arch and her head to press back on her pillow as she lets out a groan. His fingers are thick and she feels herself stretch around them with the intrusion. "I convinced myself you were slumming it with me until a real man came along. Someone good enough for you," he says, his fingers feeling slightly angry as he thrusts them in and out of her. "I was a failure no matter what I did, and you...you were always there with a soft touch. It made me mad," he says, his fingers getting rougher and she tries to lift her hips as his thrusts border on painful. "Fuck, Austin," she breathes out, almost begging for him to ease up. Almost. "I was not man enough for you, no matter what I tried. I could not man up and it was fucking embarrassing, belittling even," he says, thrusting up harshly and catching her spot with the tips of his fingers. She screams out and he lets her lift her hips to deal with the magic he entices.

She can feel it, the beginnings of an organism - it forms goosebumps as it rushes up her legs. Austin feels it too as she clenches and throne around his fingers, drawing him deeper so he presses down on her spot - she is coming undone and her eyes roll back as she lets herself fall over the edge. "And then you do this. You came by my hand rarely - when you did it was mystifying. Look at you, Lux...I couldn't handle it then," he whispers removing his fingers as her orgasm takes full swing, her back arching further as she groans then whimpers. He sits back and watches her fall apart softly and then shudders as her orgasm fades - her body still sensitive to the touch. "I can barely handle you like this now, baby," he whispers, there's a slight submissive tone to his voice - he still doubts himself with her.

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