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Lux stands outside her door with her bag in her hand as she waits for Austin. He is nowhere to be seen because she is early. "You are acting weird!" Louis shouts from his patio. "Well, how am I supposed to act?!" she snaps back. "Normal!  Act fucking normal!" he shouts back.

"What's normal?!"

"The opposite of whatever the fuck you are doing now!"

She sees Austin's head suddenly pop up as he walks up from the beach. Lux turns and runs inside, dumping her bag on a chair and climbing into bed then waits until she hears the key card swipe and the door open.

"Luxie!" Austin calls out and she peeps out from under the blanket. "I told you to be ready," he complains. "I know and I fell asleep. Get away," she says. Austin rolls his eyes then closes the door and walks off to talk to Louis. She waits in bed for another ten minutes then climbs out and grabs her bag. She runs a comb through her hair and then steps out.

"You would think after the good time Austin showed you last night you would be standing at your door with your bag, ready and waiting, LLLLuxie," Louis says turning to grin at Lux who throws him a glare. She knocks over the glass of water in front of Louis, laughing as he tries to get away from the mini waterfall then turns and walks down the stairs and across the lawn. Austin jogs after her, grabbing her hand and falling into step. They walk down to the beach and grab a yoga mat each then move to their spot at the back of the group. They get into their first pose, Austin leaves no space between them and he makes sure Lux can't move away either. She snorts when he bends over her, running his hand over her inner thigh and squeezing discreetly. "Get off me. This is not how the pose goes," Lux whispers, laughing softly.

During the second pose, he is not serious either as Lux flashes him. The third pose is the worst because he puts all his body weight on her so she can't lift him, she gives up and lets him kiss her. "Hey...um...hi..." they hear the yoga instructor whisper next to their heads. They both turn to look at him. He is lying down next to them, resting his chin on his hands as he grins. "I am glad you are both loving my class. Please leave good reviews on my website and...uh..." he says putting a business card in Austin's mouth, "I do private lessons," he adds with a wink and then walks off. Austin looks back down at Lux with surprised eyes. She laughs and plucks the card from his lips then throws it in the sand near her head.

The fourth pose is easy.

"I like the way you sound when you let go. Your voice is a mix of morning voice and just being fucked out."

"I like the way you flick your tongue - you are very good at that."

Lux stretches up her arms and wraps them around Austin's neck as he bends to lift her. She rests her head on his shoulder again but this time she faces him, breathing in that tobacco and vanilla scent, and running her lips on his neck. She gets slightly nervous now. She hates criticism and Austin is no better. She is not sure how this will go down. "You first, Luxie," Austin whispers. "I hate that you never thought you were good enough for me," she whispers. Her head is still on his shoulder and she can see Austin pull his head back slightly, giving her a side-eye.

"I hate that you never came back..."

Lux blinks at his words. She never came back?  What's he saying?  He would have taken her back even if she had cheated? Does she have that much power over him? She lifts her head and frowns at him then feels him move a hand over his balls while he holds her with the other.

"Put me down."



Austin rolls his eyes and places her on the ground then she spins and walks off to her room. This is not good. She showers again in an attempt to calm her shaking body. Had Austin just admitted that if she had come back he would have taken her? He would have forgiven her and tried to move forward with her. How does that make any sense?  He hates that she cheated, or thinks she cheated. His words are always laced with venomous when he throws it in her face. He has hated her for years for the lie she told him. She dresses, takes the itinerary, and steps out onto her patio, and then over to Louis, throwing it on the table in front of him.

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