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"An elephant sanctuary?" Lux asks climbing off the four-wheeler. "Yeah! It's one of the main reasons I always wanted to come to here. They have an amazing elephant rescue program," Demi says. Lux looks around and then frowns when she recognizes the logo.

"Demi is this..."

"Yeah, it is!"

"I didn't think this place was real."

"I know but that didn't stop you from taking me all over the neighborhood when we were kids to try and get people to donate to them. You gave me half your pocket money for a year because it meant so much to me...you also punched Jimmy in the face when he told me I was dumb for asking people to help."

"Jimmy had a big fucking mouth. I heard he lost a leg in a boating accident. I sent him a book of one-legged jokes."

"Lux!" Demi says shaking her head. "Anyway, they have rescued thousands of baby elephants and today we get to visit, they have also agreed to let us have lunch in the sanctuary," Demi says. "Did I tell you that I own an elephant?" Austin says slinging his arm over her shoulder. "You do?" Lux asks. "Yup, Shawn and I both have one," Austin assures her. Shawn starts laughing and Demi rolls her eyes. "Do not ask to see it, Lux," Demi warns as they walk into the sanctuary. "If Austin has an elephant I would like to see it," Lux says. "If you are good during lunch I will let you meet it and pet it," Austin says with a grin while Shawn cackles loudly.

The sanctity is amazing, even Lux's icy heart melts at the sight of the baby elephants - they are cute. There are hundreds of them and the sanctuary lets them feed them with giant baby bottles. Lunch is just burgers but the baby elephants don't leave them alone and twice she has to hide her burger from a wandering trunk. Shawn is funny, he is kind too and he is head over heels for Demi who he dotes on all afternoon. They are cut from the same cloth and although she still thinks they are slightly insane for wanting to get married so soon - she gets it. You want to tie yourself to the person you love - she has been there before.

Again, Lux finds herself laughing, chuckling, giggling, smiling, grinning, cackling - fucking all of it. Austin's hands are either tangled in hers or roaming her body. There is no animosity, no anguish, no anger between them - especially when Austin's lips find hers, or her neck or her shoulder, and once even her temple. It's cute and cuddly - squishy even. She blushes too. Blushes. Yup, right next to a baby elephant with the late afternoon sun behind her - she fucking blushes when Austin tells her she is beautiful.

"We will meet you at the resort beach bar later," Demi says when they climb onto their four-wheelers and then head back to the resort. Lux drives and Austin entertains himself on her neck. "That can't taste or smell very nice," Lux says when she parks. "I disagree," Austin mumbles then has her cackling again when he engulfs her in his arms and bites her. "Get off me," she laughs, wriggling away from him, he chuckles then lets her go eventually. But their hands stay laced together as they head toward her room. When they get to her room she sees a gold medal hanging from her door handle and a note stuck to the glass.

I won, bitches!
But...I will share my
victory with you.

It's funny how life can change. One second you are in love the next you are slinging insults and lying before you walk out on the love of your life. One day you have little to no friends and the next, someone comes along and you tell them all your secrets.

"Hi, guys," Rich says from behind them. They turn around and find the man standing on Lux's porch steps with a teddy-bear smile.

"You have a good time?"

"Yes. Yes, we did."

"Makes all the difference when you push that anger aside, huh?"

"Mhmm," Lux hums with a nod and watches Rich walk off slowly. "He is a like a wise old man," she hears Louis say from his patio in a lazy voice - sleepy after his big win.

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