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"So you broke his balls? He seems like such a nice guy. Such a shame," Louis says flicking through the wedding itinerary.

"You know, friends are supposed to save friends when they get kidnapped in the early morning hours."

"Oh now, where is the fun in that?"

Lux huffs and picks up her coffee. She has never made friends easily - it's her bitchy face and unapproachable demeanor. She does it without thinking. She had had some superficial friendships but they are never deep and most people are not able to handle her sarcasm and sharp tongue. Demi is the closest thing she has to a best friend. She thought of Austin as a best friend at one point in time but, that was all bullshit.

But, she likes Louis. He matches her bitchyness and he is refreshing to have around. He also won't sugarcoat anything and she thinks, when she really needs him, he will have her back. She hates his ex - she will start planning her murder. It will be her Christmas gift to him. She is a good friend.

"It's 8 am."


"So according to your itinerary, you have breakfast at 8 am followed by a stroll through some garden walk...lunch at noon. Oh lucky you, you have the afternoon at the pool then dinner at 7 pm...oh, but karaoke after...painful."

"It does not matter. I am not going."

"Don't think you have a choice there," Louis says pointing with his head behind Lux. Lux turns and sees Austin stalking across the grass toward her. Shit.

"Come with me. Please!"

"Aww, now, I wish I could but I don't think Austin can carry us both."

"You are a dick, Louis," Lux says standing up and strolling toward Austin. He stops and watches her, she does not stop as she walks past him. He says nothing but follows her a few paces behind, she has no idea where she is going but she just follows the noise and eventually finds the area the family is busy milling around and waiting to get breakfast rolling. She sees Harry, Pete, Dre, Hailey, Petra and Jessica sitting at a table with two chairs left open so she walks in the opposite direction and finds an unoccupied table then plonks her ass down, grinning when she sees Austin standing and talking to his friends at their table.

Her smile drops when everyone gathers their things, stands, and then follows Austin to her table. The bastard. He flops down in the chair next to hers but does not say anything, choosing to ignore her as he leans over and picks up a conversation with Harry, Pete, and Dre. Hailey looks like she wants to say something to Lux, but thinks better of it when Lux looks at her. She looks like she is shaking a little too.

"Oh, Austin! How are you doing?" Lux's mom says coming up to the table and taking Austin's hands, looking at him like a little sick boy. "Much better, thank you, ma'am," he answers. Ma'am? Who the fuck is he trying to impress? "Thank you for being such a good sport, my Lux is a handful," her mom adds. What the fuck? Loyalties!

"I try my best, ma'am. I know how important this is to Shawn and Demi," Austin says. "Oh you are such a good boy," her mom coos cupping his face and squishing it. He is a dick, she fucking hates him. "Lux, I think you should apologize to Austin," her mother says sternly, Austin turns and grins at her. "Mom, I would rather choke on a mango," Lux says.

"Oh, Lux..."

"It's ok, ma'am, It's forgotten."

"Such a sweet boy," her mom says pinching his cheeks and walking away. There is no loyalty in this fucking family. A waiter comes over and takes their order, Lux is so annoyed she just says she will have the same as Austin then stands and walks over to a table full of different fruit juices. "Do any of these have alcohol in them?" she asks a waiter behind the table. "No, miss...sorry," he says. Fuck her life, honestly. She grabs an orange juice and then heads back to the table. They are all in a comical conversation and as always Austin is right in the center of it. Leaning back in his chair talking lazily as he chuckles. She also notices how the three women lean in as he talks, sighing as they look at him with dreamy eyes. Fucking idiots - they can have him.

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